The Newsletter 56 Spring 2011
KITLV series: Deep roots, new shoots
KITLV PRESS HAS A TRADITION of publishing several series,
some old and trusted, some brand new. It is KITLV’s two
newest series that merit some elaboration. KITLV’s bestknown
series is Verhandelingen, commonly abbreviated
as VKI (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor
Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde), which has existed since 1938.
In 2010 we published its 267th volume. Verhandelingen is a
heterogeneous series, for the word ‘Verhandelingen’ indicates
any serious, scholarly monograph. Despite the range of
books that could appear in a series of that name, there is one
common, geographical, factor binding the diverse titles: all are
about Indonesia. Moreover, a glance through the catalogue
soon reveals certain tendencies within this series, books with
related subjects that might be grouped into families: books
on linguistics, books about the arts (theatre, literature),
books about religion, books with a colonial bent and books
concerned with the post-colonial state, books with a basis in
economics and others with an anthropological concentration.