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General Data Protection Regulation

On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, strengthening European privacy law. IIAS respects your right to privacy and treats your personal data with care. We do not share your information with third parties.

Mailing list

For our electronic mailings we use the service provider MailChimp. The International Institute for Asian Studies will use your contact information only to be in touch with you and to provide updates and news.  MailChimp’s privacy policy can be read here.

To our subscribers we send the following information:

  • The Newsletter is published 3 times a year, and distributed in both electronic and paper formats. Please leave your postal address below if you would like to receive a paper copy. If you are subscribing on behalf of your institute or department, or if you would like to receive multiple copies, send an email to thenewsletter@iias.nl
  • The Update is our monthly announcement of upcoming events and institutional news.
  • The Paragraph is a monthly selection of latest book reviews and titles available for review.
  • Occasionally, we send out call for papers or information about other academic activities you can participate in and contribute to. 
  • Tick the ICAS Matters checkbox if you like to stay updated about the biennial International Convention of Asia Scholars. You will only receive ICAS mailings in the run-up to each next convention.

Subscribers can edit their contact details and mailing preferences or unsubscribe easily by following a link at the end of our mail messages.

Social media

IIAS is active on the social media platforms Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Users of social media are responsible for their own privacy settings on these platforms.

Participants in events

For programming purposes, IIAS collects personal data from participants in its activities. We do not share this information with third parties without participants’ permission. Personal data will not be used for publicity purposes without participants’ permission.