The Newsletter 55 Winter 2010

Who is this 'Indonesian Muslim'?

Dick van der Meij

Luthfi Assyaukanie. 2009. Islam and the Secular State in Indonesia.Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009, xviii + 362. ISBN 978 981 230 889 4 (hardback),
ISBN 978 981 230 890 0 (PDF).

Bernard Platzdasch. 2009. Islamism in Indonesia. Politics in the Emerging Democracy. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2009, xxxviii + 412 pages.
ISBN 978 981 4279 08 6 (paperback), ISBN 978 981 4279 09 3 (hardback), ISBN 978 981 4279 10 9 (PDF).

Indonesia changes rapidly. Politically, religiously, and socially the country is in a situation of constant flux. Newspapers and other news media give an astonishing picture of a country in some respects in rapid development to progress but in other aspects retreating into backward ignorance.

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