The Newsletter 96 Autumn 2023

Thirty Years of IIAS

José Luís de Sales Marques

I don't exactly recall when was the first time I met Philippe Peycam, but it was well over a decade ago! However, I do remember we felt empathy with each other and we talked frankly and openly about our institutions (IEEM & IIAS) and how we should do things together. I also fondly remember how I was impressed with his knowledge on Macau and the passionate way he would talk about it. Since then, we had worked together on several projects as well as participated in all ICAS of the last 10 years. Our cooperative efforts covered mostly matters related to Macau's heritage, culture and identity and they have certainly contributed in widening the curiosity and interest of the academic community on matters related to this city/region, as well as establishing a network of learning and researching that goes well beyond the Asian context. Notwithstanding the difficulties that COVID presented to academic cooperation all over, IIAS and IEEM managed to strike an important partnership that is running an ongoing project coordinated by myself and Prof. Mehdi P. Amineh "Comparing energy transition in the EU and China". In fact, a topic that is quite different from the previous ones, that shows how wide and deep our working relationship have developed along more than one decade.

We congratulate IIAS and Philippe for such meaningful occasion and hope many decades more of successes!

Macau, 11 July 2023

José Luís de Sales Marques
President of IEEM