IBP 2021 Russian Language Edition
Total number of books submitted: 14
Organizing Institute: Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES), Russian Academy of Sciences
Secretary: Alexey Maslov
Acting Secretary: Kuchma Nadezhda
Reading Committee Members: Irina Morozova and Helena Paskaleva (humanities); Svetlana Kharchenkova and Alexey Maslov (social sciences)
Sponsor of the IBP 2021 Russian Language Edition: Institute of Far Eastern Studies (IFES), Russian Academy of Sciences
AUTHOR: Павел Трощинский [Pavel Troshchinskiy]
TITLE: Правовая система Китая / Legal system of China
PUBLISHER: Институт Дальнего Востока Российской Академии Наук, 2018
This is the first comprehensive book in Russian dedicated to the modern Chinese legal system. The book represents an in-depth study of the legal system of modern China through an analysis of the legislation, ancient (traditional) law, classical and contemporary legal culture as well as a legal consciousness. The research contains a detailed description of the main stages of the development of the legal system from the establishing of the People's Republic of China in 1949 to the present time. The chapters of the book examine the influence of tradition on the legal system, the relationship between law and politics, law and ideology in Chinese society as well as the "socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics". The research also discusses the contribution of the Russian (Soviet) legal and Russian Chinese studies approach to the Chinese legal system. A part of the book focuses on the main branches of public and private law of the PRC. It contains a detailed analysis of constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative, and other branches (environmental, energy, labor, military) of law and the PRC's procedural law, which has received not too much attention before in Chinese studies in Russia. The legal systems of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan play an important role in understanding the specifics of Chinese law.

IBP 2021 Russian Language Shortlist
AUTHORS: Николай Гусаков, Инна Андронова, Ирина Белова, Виктор Пинчук, Эвелина Богачева, Екатерина Колотырина, Марина Решетникова, Филипп Белов [Nikolay Gusakov, Inna Andronova, Irina Belova, Victor Pinchuk,Evelina Bogacheva, Ekaterina Kolotyrina, Marina Reshetnikova, Philipp Belov]
TITLE: Страновые особенности формирования национальных инновационных систем (НИС) в условиях нарастания неопределенности мировой экономики (на примере КНР, Республики Корея, ЮАР, России) / Country features of the formation of national innovation systems (NIS) in the context of growing uncertainty in the world economy (on the example of China, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, Russia)
PUBLISHER: Издательство "Экон-Информ", 2019.
The book examines the theoretical foundations of the formation and functioning of national innovation systems (NIS) in Asia; peculiarities of NIS development in the context of growing uncertainty of the world economy; successful experience in the formation of NIS in foreign countries (Kazakhstan, China, South Africa), in which the period for the formation of their own innovative potential was comparatively shorter than the experience of the leading Western powers/ The book also focuses in the analysis of the innovation policy of Asian countries, the identification of the key factors that ensured their competitiveness in the world arena over a relatively short period of time. The final part of the book contains suggestions for the transformation of Russian policy toward Asia concerning innovative systems and identifies prospective areas of cooperation in the innovation fields of Russia with East and Central Asian countries with rapidly developing economies.
AUTHORS: Ли Син, Дмитрий Савкин, Елена Завьялова, Ван Чэньсин [Li Xing, Dmitry Savkin, Elena Zavyalova, Wang Chenxing],
TITLE: Китай и Россия: Новое евразийское экономическое партнерство? / China and Russia: New Eurasian Economic Partnership?
PUBLISHER: Издательство "Нестор-История", 2018.
The book's main content is devoted to the new foreign policy philosophy of China and the integration potential of the Silk Road Economic Belt for Central Asia. The book discusses the objective prerequisites of integration processes, as well as the Eurasian future of Russia in the light of the alternation of integration and disintegration cycles and the Eurasian Economic Union in Chinese political science. The second part of the book focuses on China and Russia as two forces in the system of Eurasian regional governance, as well as on strategic interaction and challenges to Sino-Russian relations. The most important issue is the forms and prospects of interaction between Russia and China in different formats, for example, within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in the environmental sphere, in the energy sector, as well as in the form of the Russia-India-China triangle.
AUTHORS: Григорий Лошкин, Евгений Кобелев, Владимир Мазырин [Grigoriy Lokshin, Evgeniy Kobelev, Vladimir Mazyrin]
TITLE: Сообщество АСЕАН в современном мире / The ASEAN Community in the Modern World
The presented monograph is one of the first successful attempts in Russia of comprehensive analysis of the processes South Asia . The relevance of the study is due to the increasing role of ASEAN in the world economy and politics, increasing rivalry between the United States, China, Japan, and India for influence in the region and the exploitation of its resources. The monograph examines the results of half a century of activity of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the first steps of the triune ASEAN Community, proclaimed in 2015, consisting of a political security community, economic and socio-cultural communities. The first chapter examines the features of the processes of regionalization and economic integration in Southeast Asia. For more than half a century, ASEAN has come a long way from a weak anti-communist, first of all, an anti-Chinese coalition of five developing states of Southeast Asia, established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, to the ASEAN Community proclaimed on December 31, 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, which includes ten states of the region and consists of three interconnected communities: security policy, economic and socio-cultural.
AUTHOR: Мгер Саакян [Mher Sahakyan]
TITLE: Инициатива Китая «Один Пояс, Один Путь» и Армения / China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative And Armenia
PUBLISHER: Фонд «Совет политических и стратегических исследований ‘‘Китай-Евразия’’», 2019.
The book analyzes the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on the global political and economic situation and also evaluates this initiative from the point of view of China's national security. The aim of the research is to draw up a strategic "road map" through which Armenia can be involved in the Chinese political and economic project, promoting political, military-technical, financial, and economic cooperation between China and Armenia. The book also discusses the possibility of using the Armenian community of China as a factor of Armenian "soft power" within the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative.