The Newsletter 66 Winter 2013

Humanosphere Potentiality Index. Understanding the sustainability of geosphere, biosphere and human society

Takahiro SatoTaizo WadaShiro SatoNishi MakotoWatanabe Kazuo

Many of the so-called developed countries have narrowly set production and increased productivity as societal goals. Under this production-centric worldview, per capita GDP (or GNP) has long been a de facto indicator of the wealth of citizens even though numerous problems have been pointed out. Since the beginning of the 1990s, various organizations have become engaged in eff orts to develop indices to take the place of GDP and to evaluate the state of the world from the standpoint of new concepts such as ‘sustainability’ or ‘human development’. However, no index has been developed that attempts to place human activities within the context of global atmospheric-hydrological circulation or the capacities of the world’s diverse life forms.


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