The Newsletter 86 Summer 2020

China Connections

The ‘China Connections’ pages are compiled by guest editors from the Asia Research Center at Fudan University and the Center for Global Asia at NYU Shanghai. The contributions for this issue - Things on the move: material culture and connectivity in ancient China - were guest edited by ZHANG Fan from NYU Shanghai. 

Things on the move: material culture and connectivity in ancient China
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Interregional transmissions of bronze mirrors with geometric decorations in early China
Yanlong GUO
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Tracing the exotica: Sasanian glassware in Inner Mongolia
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Making the sacred: relics and reliquaries in medieval China
YU Wei
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Blue-and-white porcelain on Shangchuan Island: Chinese-Portuguese trade during the Ming dynasty
XIAO Dashun
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Transnational exchange of metallic commodities during the Era of the Canton Trade
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