Advertisement information

The International Institute for Asian Studies is a research and exchange platform based in the university city of Leiden, the Netherlands. IIAS encourages the multi-disciplinary and comparative study of Asia and promotes national and international cooperation. It acts as an interface between academic and non-academic partners including cultural, social and policy organisations.

One way in which it accomplishes this is through the distribution of its publication the Newsletter. The Newsletter is a free publication; it is distributed three times a year in hardcopy (in newspaper tabloid format), as a digital version (email subscriptions) and can also be accessed through our website.

Through its international network, electronic updates and The Newsletter, IIAS offers a variety of advertising opportunities. 

The Newsletter (price per issue – print run of 7000; global readership of 50,000) 
Full page 280x360 mm - €750 
Half page 280x180 mm/140x360 mm - €375 
Quarter page 280x90 mm/140x180 mm - €225 
Discounts available for multiple consecutive issues. 

Electronic updates (price per mailing – approx. 20,000 addresses)
The IIAS Update - €300
The Paragraph - €300
ICAS Matters - €300

All electronic adverts: 220x220 px, 72 dpi, plus hyperlink
Multiple combinations possible at discounted rates. 
