Home and the World at Museum Van Loon with Thomas Berghuis
Thomas Berghuis is a curator and historian of Asian art based in The Netherlands. Berghuis recently curated the exhibition Home and the World in Museum Van Loon, a historical building in the canal district of Amsterdam. In this exhibition, fourteen contemporary artists from all over the world used different spaces of the Van Loon canal house to explore the intricate connections between colonialism and nationalism, past and present. In this episode, Berghuis elaborates on the themes of the exhibition, on its peculiar location, and on the importance of alternative perspectives on how to feel at home in a world beyond the “colonial state” and the “nation-state.” In addition to thanking Thomas Berghuis for this interview, we are grateful to Johan Kuiper and Victor van Drielen at the Museum Van Loon for providing images and soundbites from the exhibition. Selected images from the exhibition, all taken by Thijs Wolzak, are included below.

Kerubut (2024) by Iftikhar Dadi and Elizabeth Dadi. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Epicycles IV & V (2021) by Jitish Kallat. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Karkadé (2013) by Iftikhar Dadi and Elizabeth Dadi. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

KANAVAL (1995-ongoing) by Leah Gordon. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Kanaval: A People's History of Haiti in Six Chapters (2022) by Leah Gordon. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Mom 몸 (2024) by Minouk Lim. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Les Eclaireurs (2009) & No Names Please! (2017) by patricia kaersenhout. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

Oso Dresi (2024) by Raul Balai. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

One Hundred and Nineteen Deeds of Sale (2018) by Sue Williamson. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

One Hundred and Nineteen Deeds of Sale (2018) by Sue Williamson. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.

If Water Has Memories (2022) by Tiffany Chung. Photograph by Thijs Wolzak.