Since the Malay world exists within Southeast Asia, Malay world studies, therefore, is an integral part of Southeast Asian studies, indeed a critical one. Documentary sources of the Malay world are aplenty and mainly paper-based, located and distributed region-wide. There have been numerous efforts made by various academic and non-academic institutions, within and outside Southeast Asia, to transform the paper-based resources on the Malay world into a digital-based one, with the main aim of ‘democratizing access' to these rich corpus of materials, through the use of ICT, to those both within and outside the region. The most successful attempt thus far has been the one implemented by the Institute of the Malay World & Civilization (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, namely, through its Portal ( that carries some 400,000 digital entries of not only texts but also images and sound recordings. Access to these digitalized materials is free-of-charge. The present research is an investigation into other similar efforts, big and small, done in the Netherlands. The main aim is to expand the base of the research materials that have been digitized beyond what ATMA has done. This expansion can be done through creating new ones or constructing hyperlinks between ATMA and other existing ones.