
March - May 2000
- Fieldwork in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

22 May 2000
- Lecture: 'Community Co-operatives, "Illegal" Logging, and Regional Autonomy: A field report from Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan', within the CIFOR Lecture Series, at the Center for International Forestry Research, in Bogor, Indonesia

10-11 August 2000
- IIAS seminar convened: "Environmental Change in the Native and Colonial Histories of Borneo", Leiden; and paper presented: "Lines in the Forest: Boundaries and resource access in the history of the upper Kapuas, West Kalimantan"

30 November 2000
- Lecture: "Remembering Punitive Expeditions and Divine Revenge: Oral and colonial histories of the Iban in West Kalimantan, Indonesia", at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen

1 December 2000
- Lecture: "Hospitality and Suspicion in NTFP Collection: Questions of cultural values, land tenure, and sustainable forest management in West Kalimantan, Indonesia", at the Danish University Consortium on Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen

9-12 December 2000
- Paper presented: "Coping with Disaster - Smoke, drought, flood, and krismon: Iban women and their households in Kalimantan Barat", at the conference "Indonesian Women and Crises: Opportunities and threats, past and present", Leiden


2000a. "Warfare, Pacification, and Environment: Population dynamics in the West Borneo borderlands (1823-1934)", in Moussons: Social Science Research on Southeast Asia, Vol. 1, 2000, pp 41-66

2000b. "Understanding Patterns of Resource Use and Consumption: A prelude to comanagement", in W. Giessen (ed.), Danau Sentarum National Park, Borneo Research Bulletin, Vol. 31, 2000, pp 29-88, (with C. J. P. Colfer, A. Salim, and R. Dudley)

2000c. "Reconsidering an Ethnic Label in Borneo: The "Maloh" of West Kalimantan, Indonesia", in Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 156, 2000, pp 83-101

2000d. "Transnational Circular Labour Migration in Northwestern Borneo", in L. Husson and Y. Charbit (eds), Migratory Dynamics in Eastern Asia, Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales, Vol. 16, 2000, pp 127-149

2000e. "Afer the Conservation Project: Danau Sentarum National Park and its vicinity - conditions and prospects", in a special issue of the Borneo Research Bulletin, 2000, (with Rona A. Dennis, Erik Meijaard, Andi Erman, Heri Valentinus, Wim Giessen, and Anne Casson)