I propose to do library research under the ‘Heritage and Social Agency in Asia’ cluster of the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) for a total of six months in Leiden University focusing on the Indonesian wayang scripts that were collected in the library beginning when the king of Surakarta first commanded handwritten compilations of wayang scripts in 1815 and continuing through the colonial period when the Dutch scholars published many wayang scenarios from 1920 to 1937. Dutch scholars like J.A. Wilkens (1846), H. Kern (1876-1880), Hazeu (1897), Kats (1923), etc studied wayang dramatic repertoire with Javanese nobility extensively and the library catalogue of Leiden University currently includes 271 entries on Wayang literature. To enhance our academic atmosphere I will make these dramatic scripts also available to all Indonesian students, especially my wayang puppetry students at the Indonesian Arts Institute in Denpasar Bali. Along with an expert in Javanese literature, a digital technician, and one research assistant, I will explore, sort, and hopefully manage to digitally copy and take home any missing plays from our dramatic repertoire. I will publish all findings in appropriate journals such as Mudra (Denpasar), create a teaching manual which will be shared with other Indonesian padalangan (puppetry) programs, and write a book eventually which reflects the European-Indonesian collaborations which help preserve materials which would otherwise have been lost to Indonesia. A number of selected manuscripts will be reconstructed or modified into separate play scripts for classes and performances at venues like the Bali Arts Festival, Festivals of Indonesian Performing Arts Academies, etc.