Her time at IIAS will be chiefly spent finishing her manuscript, tentatively titled, 'Economic Networks in the Mongolian Borderlands' to be published with UCL Press in the series' Economic Exposures in Asia'. This book makes the argument that the proliferation of bank-based debt in post-socialist, rural Mongolia has directly contributed to the escalation in the cross-border wildlife and resource trade. It tells the story of a two-way capitalist adaptation—of rural Mongolian lives to increased individuated economic pressure; and of economic concepts (e.g. money, debt, interest, shares) to Mongolian cosmologies, moralities and values.

More information on this book series discussing the unexpected sociocultural outcomes of rapid economic change in Asia can be found at www.uclpress.co.uk/collections/series-economic-exposures-in-asia.

She will further use her time to finish articles on the emergence of a 'moral economy' among resource traders in the Mongolian steppe as well as on the characteristics of informal supply chains along the Mongolian/Siberian/Chinese borders.

Hedwig received her PhD from the Department of Anthropology at University College London (UCL) in 2019. Prior to IIAS, Hedwig held visiting fellowships at Cambridge University and University College London and lectured on the 'Anthropology of Capitalisms' course at UCL. Her doctoral work at UCL was carried out within the ERC-funded 'Emerging Subjects of the New Economy' research team investigating the after-effects of the 2011-2014 Mongolian mining boom on everyday Mongolian livelihoods.