Books and Monographs

Wu, C. (2000), The Adademic Style and Modes of Thinking of Modern Chinese Intellecturals [written in Chinese]. Taipei: Wu-nan Publishing Co.

Wu, C. (1993), Western Rationalism and the Chinese Mind: Counter-Enlightenment and Philosophy of Life in China, 1915-27. Yale University PhD Dissertation, Michigan University Microfilm.

Wu, C. (1985), The Historiography and Philosophy of Zhu Xi [written in Chinese]. M.A. thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei.


Edited books:

Wu, C. (ed.) (2010), The Basic Characteristics of Traditional Modes of Thinking and Academic Language [written in Chinese]. Taipei: UP of National Taiwan University (forthcoming).

Wu, C. (ed.) (2007), The Formation of the Worldviews of Modern East Asia [written in Chinese]. Taipei: UP of National Taiwan University.


Contributions to edited works:

Wu, C. (2009a), “Praxis and Knowledge: An Analysis of Young Zhu Xi's Academic Orientations [written in Chinese],” in H. Tillman (ed.), For Culture and History—Anthology for the Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Professor Yu Ying-shih, pp.Taipei:Lian-jing Publishing Co.

Wu, C. (2009b), “The Two Kinds of Learning Arts in History [written in Chinese],” in Anthology of the Learning and Living Arts of the Three Teachings. Taipei: The Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Academia Sinica.

Wu, C. (2008), “In Search of the Core Value of Life: Confucianism and the Perplexity of Modern Society,” in The 2008 Global Forum on Civilization and Peace, Global Forum on Civilization and Peace committee, Korea: Gyeonggi-do.

Wu, C. (2006), “The Ultimate Quest of Yen Fu [written in Chinese],” in S. Wong (ed), The Style and Thought of Twentieth Century’s Masters of Humanistic Studies: 1900-1950, Taipei: Xuesheng Book Store.

Wu, C. (2005a), “The Three Belief Systems of Mankind [written in Chinese],” in H. Kan (ed.), The Chineseness and Europeaness in The Dialogues between Civilizations, Zhongli:UP of Central University.

Wu, C. (2005b), “Modern Society and Eastern Thoughts [written in Chinese],” in H. Kan (ed.), The Chineseness and Europeaness in The Dialogues between Civilizations, Zhongli:UP of Central University.

Wu, C. (2001), “ In Search of Core Values: On Confucianism and the Value Crisis of Modern Society [written in Chinese],” in C. Huang (ed.), The Meaning of Chinese Culture in the 21th Century, Taipei: Himalaya Foundation.

Wu, C. (2000), “Historicity, Tradition, Praxis and Tao: A Comparison of the World Views of Zhang Xuecheng and Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics,” in C. Tu (ed.), Classics and Interpretations: The Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.

Wu, C. (1998), “Neoromantischer Konfuzinismus und Anti-Rationalismus in China zur Zeit der Vierten-Mai-Bewegung,” in R. Moritz & M. Lee(eds.), Der Confuzianismus: Ursprunge-Entwicklungen-Perspektivern, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH.

Wu, C. (1996), “Ming Loyalists and the Cultural and Academic Spirit of Modern China [written in Chinese],” in S. Tu (ed.), Catalogue of The Art of Ming Loyalists, Taipei: He Chuang-shi Foundation.

Wu, C. (1995a), “The Archetypes of The Idea of University in Modern China [written in Chinese],” in Bulletin of The Conference on Traditional Chinese Education and Modern General Education, Taipei: The Department of History of NTU.

Wu, C. (1995b), “The Starting Point of Modern Chinese Conservatism: Liang Shu-ming's Philosophy of Life and His Critique of Western Rationalism [written in Chinese],” in S. Liu (ed.), Essays on Modern Confucianism, Taipei: The Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Academia Sinica.

Wu, C. (1990), “A Bibliographical Review of Sung Intellectual History [written in Chinese],” M. Kao (ed.), A Guide to the Study of Chinese History V.3, Taipei: Lian-jing Publishing Co.


Articles in journals:

Wu, C. (2008), “The Basic Characteristics of Zhu Xi’s Wroldview [written in Chinese],” Bulletin of The College of Liberal Arts of The National Taiwan University, V.68.

Wu, C. (2007a), “The Organising Principle of Zhu Xi’s Perception of the Order of the World [written in Chinese],” Chinese Culture Quarterly.

Wu, C. (2007b), “Zhu Xi’s Cognitive Approaches and their Modern Interpretation [written in Chinese],” Chinese Philosophy and Culture, V.1.

Wu, C. (2006), “The Meaning of the Scholarship of Professor Qian Mu in the Modern World [written in Chinese],” New Asia Academic Bulletin, V.19.

Wu, C. (2004), “Books of Sage and the Constancy of Tian Li (Cosmic Texture/Vein):  Basic Premises of Zhu Xi’s Interpretation of the Classics [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry,V.33.

Wu, C. (2002), “An Analysis of Yen Fu’s Idea of ‘Wu-Ching T’ien-Tse’: A Comparison of Yen Fu and His Western Master’s Evolutionary Theories [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry, V.56.

Wu, C. (2001a), “The ‘Searching for Tao’ Mentality of Late Qing’s Intellectuals [written in Chinese],” Modern China V.145.

Wu, C. (2001b), “Reviewing the Establishment of Modern Chinese Scholarship in Humanities: A Study of Chen Pingyuan’s The Establishment of Modern Chinese Scholarship [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry, V.27.

Wu, C. (2001c), “The Integration and Conflicts of the Highest Principles of Chinese and Western Learning: An Analysis of Yen Fu’s Theory of ‘Tao Is One’[written in Chinese],” Bulletin of The College of Liberal Arts of The National Taiwan University, V.54.

Wu, C. (2000a), “In and Out: Professor Qian Mu’s Scholarship and Sung-ming Neo-Confucianism [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry, V.26.

Wu, C. (2000b), “A New Interpretation of Confucianism and the Modern World [written in Chinese],” Bulletin of Dr. Qian Mu's Memorial Museum.

Wu, C. (1999a), “A New Interpretation of the Intention and Connotation of Yen Fu’s On Evolution [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry, V.24.

Wu, C. (1999b), “The Search of Tao in Yen Fu’s Early Years: The Continuity and Transformation of Traditional Mode of Learning and Thinking [written in Chinese],” Historical Inquiry, V.23.

Wu, C. (1996), “The Anti-Formal-Logic Tendency in Fu Si-nien's Ideas of Learning [written in Chinese] ,” Bulletin of The Department of History of The National Taiwan University, V.20.

Wu, C. (1995a), “The Metaphysical View of Becoming in Ancient Chinese Taoism,” Bulletin of The Department of History of The National Taiwan University, V.19.

Wu, C. (1995b), “The Integration of Holism and Individualism in The Modernization of Chinese Culture [written in Chinese],” Bulletin of Dr. Qian Mu's Memorial Museum, V.3.