World Anthropocene Manifesto
An online interactive lecture by Jérémy Cheval in the framework of the IIAS/UKNA Asian Cities Presentation Series.
This lecture will take place from 11:00 - 12:00 a.m. Amsterdam Time (Central European Time, CET).
What can we do to lay the foundations for a horizontal World Anthropocene Manifesto that brings together local words ? How can we form the basis of a living commitment of all ages ? How to initiate a world conversation ? How to mobilize a network and feed collective imagination ? How to question the possible ?
“We have entered the anthropocene. We are anthropocene. We are the earthly community. We are living together the climate change, the ocean acidification, the sea level rise, the species extinction, the pandemics, the famines, the soil pollution, the fires spread, the migrations, the floods, the droughts, the generalized urbanization, the social inequalities... The list is infinite. We no longer control our effects. Everything around us is shifting. And whether we like it or not, we are newly exploring our own lives and environments."
Different people answered to our questions and discussed from their close environments, their daily practices, their lives. They presented what makes them angry or happy about the anthropocene. They developped what are their tools and ideas to change the situation. Alone, they seemed anecdotal, but together they articulate, feed and spread.
This talk is about the feedback of January 29, 2021 performance toward a collective World Manifesto facing up the Anthropocene.
The Speaker
Jérémy Cheval, architect and researcher, is coordinator of the training pole and radio anthropocene at l'École urbaine de Lyon. He is the author of a thesis on the socio-spatial transformations of Shanghai shikumen lilong (Tongji / EnsaPB). He studied architecture in France, Ireland and China. After working in Shanghai in architecture and urban planning offices, he taught at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning in Tongji. His current research focuses on the questions of urban metabolism around the processes of de-construction in China. He recently launched a radio program and a World Anthropocene Manifesto.