The collection has its say: students and Things that Talk
On behalf of the Royal Asian Art Society in the Netherlands and Leiden University, we invite you (physically) to this afternoon in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
How do you get an object to talk? Can an object tell a story by itself, or do you always need people (and texts) to do so? Anyone interested in such questions is welcome in the Rijksmuseum Auditorium to hear presentations by nine students and young researchers about objects from the KVVAK collection and other Rijksmuseum objects (and other collections).
To make the objects speak, they use the innovative digital platform Things That Talk.
12.45h: walk-in
13.00h: start of the program
16.30h: drinks in Foyer
You can expect a wide variety of objects, from chairs to shoes, from porcelain to naturalia, and much more, unlocked for you by eight enthusiastic students using the technology this platform has to offer.
This afternoon, for example, you will hear
– a chair railing, telling of the bulging skirts it once saw
– a tea-can, which talks about how people enjoyed cheating and
– a pink stone, which tells its story about its time in a pig’s stomach.
Thus, each object has a story.
In addition to the object presentations, Fresco Sam-Sin, the initiator of Things That Talk, and Anne Gerritsen, our professor Chair of Asian Art at Leiden University, will exchange thoughts with the audience about these innovative paths in education and research.
Please register via Non-KVVAK members are also welcome to attend this afternoon and can enter 0000 in the registration form under the membership number.