Event — Call for abstracts

60 Years of Ghana-China Relations: A Critical Appraisal

This conference, organised by the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Ghana, will reflect on 60 years of diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural, technological and commercial ties between Ghana and China. 

Conference dates: 21-23 October 2020
Venue: University of Ghana

What has been the nature of Ghana-China relations? What frictional forces have tested the relations?  What are the sources of what seems an enduring friendship? Have the two countries utilized fully the opportunities for mutually beneficial interactions across different spheres in their relations in the last six decades? What has Ghana learnt so far for her development aspirations in her relations with China?

What has China learnt and can learn from Ghana? What are the impediments for this mutual learning? What are some of the success stories? Should the two nations recaliberate or maintain the forms and patterns of their relations thus far?  These are some of the searching questions the conference will seek to answer.

The Conference Organizing Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables and papers on Ghana-China relations in their varied expressions across multiple sectors within the broader framework of contemporary emergent Africa-Asia relations. Proposals exploring the following thematic areas are strongly encouraged but should not be taken as exhaustive:

  • Diplomacy, Statecraft and Foreign Policy
  • Diasporization and Migration
  • Ghana and the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation(FOCAC)
  • People to People Engagement
  • Technological Innovation and Transfer
  • The Developmental State and Industrialization
  • Ideas, the Economy and National Transformation
  • Trade, Investment and Commercial Connections
  • Culture and Development
  • ICT, Knowledge Society, New Media and Society
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education
  • Strategies and Experiences for Development
  • Ghana and Chinese Aid

For more information, please go to http://www.ugconferences.org/cas-symposium/

Call for Chapters

60 Years of Ghana-China Relations: A Critical Appraisal

Deadline 10 March 2020

Please get in touch with Dr Lloyd G. Adu Amoah (University of Ghana, Legon) if you would like to contribute:  lgamoah@ug.edu.ghlgaamoah@gmail.com, cas@ug.edu.gh