Event — IIAS lecture

What can inscriptions tell us? (Structural analysis of Indian Epigraphical sources)

A presentation by Dr Alexander Stolyarov from the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, on the use of databases in the study of epigraphical records as a source for Indian history.

A presentation by Dr Alexander Stolyarov from the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, on the use of databases in the study of epigraphical records as a source for Indian history.

Epigraphical records constitute a major source for Indian history. The availability of an immense amount of these records has till now prevented their comprehensive study. Therefore it has become necessary to organize them in the form of databases which is the object and purpose of my current project. The main types of these sources will be outlined in this presentation. Furthermore, I will give a description of the whole structure of a single entry (inscription) on the basis of my database. Both objective and subjective properties of an inscription are considered in depth. An attempt is made here to assess the informational potential of these properties.

Alexander Stolyarov's current research topics at IIAS are:
1. Diplomatica Indica DataBase (DIDB)
2. Dynasties of Early Mediaeval Bengal