Event — Outreach

Transforming Culture | Transforming Lives

Benefit event for Indian music theatre school

Kattaikkuttu benefit event for Indian music theatre school.

The Kalai Manram Foundation organizes a charity event accessible to everyone at the Brede School De Kinkerbuurt Amsterdam. Visitors can make acquaintance with the Kattaikkuttu Gurukulam, a characteristic school in Tamil Nadu state in the south of India.

The aim is to raise awareness of this music theatre school where children aged 6 to 18 years learn and live. These children receive, in addition to their education at primary and secondary level, extensive artistic training in Kattaikkuttu theatre, the authentic rural theatre in Tamil Nadu. They learn to dance, act, play music, sing and give performances in the villages. These performances are highly appreciated in the wide surroundings, since theatre is an important source of information and inspiration.

During this event examples will be given of Kattaikkuttu (based) theatre expressions. Information on the project is accompanied with a sale of authentic Indian goods. Special activities are organised for children. An interactive stage-interview will be held to show how this school was set up as a grassroots organization and how success was achieved. The school shows that bottom up change can be realized. Without government subsidies, the Kattaikkuttu Gurukulam is an example of balanced education to give children a head start in life.

The fund raiser is organized by Kalai Manram, the foundation that supports the Kattaikkuttu Gurukulam in the Netherlands. The foundation provides information, is sparring partner, raises funds and publicity.

The school is entirely dependent on sponsorships, grants and donations. This event is sponsored by the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University.

Kalai Manram is an ANBI which implies that donations are tax deductible.

Press release information:
Stichting Kalai Manram
Informations and interview, Marleen Cremers 06 - 29579531
www.kattaikkuttu.org (English)
www.kalaimanram.nl (Dutch)