Event — Workshop

Special Ikat Making Workshops

The Textile Research Centre, Leiden, in collaboration with IIAS, is organising two special workshops (31 May and 1 June 2016), given by three master ikat dyers and weavers from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), East Indonesia. Participants will be given an introduction, demonstrations and instructions, and will be encouraged to discuss and try out various techniques.

Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June 2016

Following on a four-day roundtable workshop on 'Ikat Weaving as Heritage for Sustainable Development', organised in October 2012 by IIAS in collaboration with the Indonesian heritage Trust and the Rote Ndao Regency, a delegation of ikat weavers and dyers from East Nusa Tenggara is now coming to Leiden to give a special workshop on ikat weaving and dyeing. The workshop  will take place on 31 May 2016, to be repeated the next day, 1 June 2016. 

The workshops are given at the Textile Research Centre, Leiden, by three master ikat dyers and weavers from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), East Indonesia. Participants will be given an introduction, demonstrations and instructions, and will be encouraged to discuss and try out various techniques. English interpretors will be present.

Ikat display
The workshops will be accompanied by a small display of ikats from eastern Indonesia.

EURO 25, including materials. The maximum number of participants per workshop is twelve. After the workshops some of the ikats brought by the delegation from Indonesia will be for sale.

Please register as soon as possible at info@trc-leiden.nl.

The display and workshops are supported by a delegation from East Nusa Tenggara led by Mrs Leburaya, wife of the governor of NTT, who is visiting The Netherlands at the invitation of the IIAS. Organisation: Textile Research Centre, Leiden, in collaboration with IIAS.

Related: Workshop Workshop Ikat Weaving (Tenun Ikat) as Heritage for Sustainable Development in East Nusa Tenggara (Indonesia, 24-27 October 2012)