Event — Asian Food Summer School public lecture and tasting

Soy Sauce: Taste and Beyond

Lecture by Prof. Katarzyna Cwiertka followed by soy sauce tasting with Alexander Bakker from 'Flair for Flavor'

From 25-29 September a Summer School on Asian Food: History, Anthropology, Sociology will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands. It is co-organized by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), the LeidenAsiaCentre (LAC), and the Shared Taste Project at Leiden University. Please join us for the following public event.

Soy Sauce: Taste and Beyond by Prof. Katarzyna Cwiertka
The lecture will be followed by soy sauce tasting, Alexander Bakker from 'Flair for Flavor'

Soyfoods are the key components of East Asian diets. Historically, Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines relied heavily on tofu as a major source of protein and on fermented soyfoods as main flavouring agents. Soy sauce in particular has become emblematic for the East Asian taste.

This event will focus entirely on soy. It will consists of two components: 1) a lecture on the place of soy sauce in East Asia, with particular reference to the industrialization of soy sauce manufacture and how it affected its taste; 2) tasting of artisanal soy sauce, manufactured using traditional techniques.

Katarzyna Cwiertka is professor of Modern Japan Studies at Leiden University, an established expert on food history of modern Japan and Korea, and one of the convenors of the Asian Food Summer School 2017.
Alexander Bakker is director of 'Flair for Flavor' which imports natural, artisanal products, like soy sauces, miso and organic dressings, from Japan.


Entrance is free, all are welcome! Please register using the form below.