Event — Seminar

South Asia Update


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24 November 2010

Venue: Binnengasthuis 5, Pyramidezaal (UvA), O.Z. Achterburgwal 237, Amsterdam

Convenors: Prof. Mario Rutten and Prof. Willem van Schendel


We invite all researchers working on topics related to the South Asia Update which will take place on Wednesday 24th of November at the University of Amsterdam. During the South Asia Update, various researchers give short 10 - 15 minute presentations about their current research. It is our aim to bring together as many researchers working on South Asia as possible. The last year’s program included topics such as: body politics, history, illegality, labour and migration.

Please contact Dr Michiel Baas (Michiel.Baas@uva.nl) if you are interested in presenting your current research. Deadline of submitting your presentation is 14 November 2010. Visitors are most welcome, but are kindly requested to register.

The South Asia Update is an initiative of ASiA/IIAS, Prof. Mario Rutten and Prof. Willem van Schendel.