Event — Lecture

Social Cohesion through Creative Knowledge in Post-Conflict Societies: Lessons from Cambodia

This talk of Dr. Philippe Peycam (Director IIAS) proposes to reflect on the origins of the Cambodian conflict and to devise concrete policies of civil society building by empowering a community of “social educators”.

Discussant: Gea Wijers (Organization Sciences, VU)

Philippe Peycam founded and, for ten years, directed the Center for Khmer Studies in Siem Reap, Cambodia, an institution aiming to contribute to the development of a public sphere in post-conflict Cambodia while attempting to promote a more balanced mode of intellectual interaction with scholars and institutions from the “North”. This talk proposes to reflect on the origins of the Cambodian conflict and to devise concrete policies of civil society building by empowering a community of “social educators”.

Dr. Philippe Peycam is Director of the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, and an associate of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. He recently completed a Jenning Randolph fellowship at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington DC.. His book on the emergence of a Vietnamese public sphere of contestation during the colonial period is due to appear in the spring of 2012.


Global Encounters

Global Encounters focuses on the everyday interactions between human lives and global processes. It is almost impossible for anthropologists today to conceive of lived experiences, whether in the present or in the past, without asking how these are globally (in)formed. At the same time it is human experiences which shape and define what 'the global' means, how it is contested, and how the answers to these questions vary across spatial, temporal and ideological contexts.

This serie of seminars offers an opportunity for speakers and audiences from a broad variety of fields and disciplinary backgrounds (including  anthropology, history, sociology, law, politics, cultural studies, media, and religion) to reflect on the very dynamics of this dialectial relationship. Speakers will include both established scholars and PhD students. See: www.fsw.vu.nl/globalencounters