Event — Conference

Securing Public Health in a Globalized World

ASEFUAN’s Tenth Academic Conference and Annual General Meeting

ASEFUAN’s Tenth Academic Conference and Annual General Meeting

Asia, Europe and Public Health

People in Asia and Europe have benefited greatly from the increase in trade, tourism, and mobility between the two regions. This growing interdependence has given a positive impetus for development, yet at the same time public health is becoming more of a shared concern and responsibility. The conference 'Securing Public Health in a Globalized World' that is held 3-5 August 2011 in Amsterdam, will address public health issues related to Asia-Europe relations. It focuses on themes that play a role in both Asia and Europe, as well as topics that illustrate their interdependency and the need for interregional cooperation.

Conference Information

Content: The event will offer a platform for the exchange of research results, innovative healthcare solutions and best practices, with the aim of fostering closer cooperation between Asian and European partners involved in government, academic research, civil society and private sector.

Topics: international cooperation & response systems for cross-border influenza epidemics, public-private initiatives on global health issues, healthcare in ageing societies, technological innovation in the healthcare sector, WTO and patenting issues related to medicines, and more.

Speakers: The event features excellent speakers from government, research institutes, academia, private sector and civil society. Among them are speakers from the University of Amsterdam, Maastricht and Erasmus University, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European External Action Service, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, VU Medical Centre, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Task Force Health Care, Philips Research, IBM, Top Institute Pharma and more. The full programme can be found online.

Venue: The conference will be held in the Doelenzaal at Singel 421 - a historical building from the 16th century in the city centre of Amsterdam.

Partners: Organizing partners are the Asia-Europe Foundation and its alumni network (ASEFUAN), the International Institute for Asian Studies and the University of Amsterdam, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Australian Embassy in the Netherlands.

The academic conference is open to all interested students, academics and professionals with a relevant background. The event will be attended by young professionals from 46 member states of the Asia-Europe Meeting working on public health in government, research institutes, academia, private sector and NGOs.

We cordially invite all those interested to register their participation at: http://asefuan.org/activities/agm2011/registration/

As seating capacity is limited, we will handle registrations on a 'first come, first served' basis. We welcome you to contact the organizing committee for additional information or inquiries.