Event — Roundtable

Science and Nature in Europe and Asia: scientific traditions and new technologies

The round table addresses various scientific knowledge traditions in Europe and Asia with a special focus on science in relation to nature and the environment.

20-21 October 2011 - Closed Meeting

This round table conference forms part of the Global Asia cluster of the IIAS and is organized as part of the Europe-Asia Policy Forum (EUforAsia), and co-sponsored by the Faculty of Humanities of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The round table addresses various scientific knowledge traditions in Europe and Asia with a special focus on science in relation to nature and the environment. The participants, who represent the humanities, the social and the natural sciences, will combine their expertise to take an applied and comparative perspective on the ways people relate to, and make use of their environment, and transfer their knowledge (both theoretical and applied). The first day will include two sessions, namely Food Production and Natural Disasters, and the second day will focus on Nature Conservation and Science and Medicine. In the framework document, which will be presented before the start of the conference, some case studies will be described from which more specific topics for discussion will be derived. These case studies show various scientific traditions and are very much in the middle of present-day debates regarding the value and the application of the scientific knowledge, the intellectual property rights and new technologies.

Participation by invitation only.