Event — Film screening

Sacrifice of the Serpents

Friends of the Kern Institute (VVIK) presentation of the documentary film Sacrifice of the Serpents with an introduction by IIAS fellow Bal Gopal Shrestha

Friends of the Kern Institute (VVIK) presentation of the documentary film Sacrifice of the Serpents with an introduction by Bal Gopal Shrestha.

The ethnographic documentary film ‘Sacrifice of the Serpents’ was shot in Kathmandu, Nepal, in 1992/94 by Dirk Nijland, based on research by Bal Gopal Shestha and Bert van der Hoek. The film documents the Indrayani festival in Kathmandu. The festival dedicated to the goddess Indrayani involves sacrifice of serpents as well as buffalos. Dr. Bal Gopal Shrestha, who is currently affiliated fellow with the IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies), will introduce the film. 

At the event, we request that you make a voluntary donation for Nepal relief efforts, following the earthquakes earlier this year. The voluntary donation will be dedicated to Relief for Nepal (http://www.gofundme.com/fundzfornepal), an initiative of Lichelle Fisser, student of South and Southeast Asian Studies, Leiden. 

If you would like to attend please send a message to: secr.vvik@gmail.com. The presentation is followed by drinks in the basement of Matthias de Vrieshof 3.