The representation of diversity, multi-culturality and politics in New Malaysian Cinema
29/10/2008 - 15:00
29 October 2008
13 - 17 hrs
New Malaysian Cinema: Rialto/ASiA Masterclass
Venue: Rialto, Ceintuurbaan 338, Amsterdam
Malaysia is a dynamic and diverse country in Asia. With Malaysian films getting international acclaim at festivals, there was more than enough reason for Rialto ( to focus this year's World Cinema Festival on the cinematic products of this country. A full list of the productions on view is attached.
ASiA/IIAS ( is very happy to be able to join in this event through the organization of a Cinematic Masterclass aimed at BA students.
Malaysia has experienced a momentous degree of social and economic change in the past decades and is probably the most truly multicultural society in Asia with up to a third of the population defined as ethnic minorities. With its roots in labor flows in colonial times, this multi-culturality has been a social and political reality for generations. While not devoid of tensions during British rule, inter-ethnic competition and occasional violent flare-ups were more an aspect of decolonization and nation building of an independent Malaysia. The 1969 racial riots stand out as a landmark in collective memory, signifying these tensions. But although these tensions are indeed present under the surface in contemporary Malaysia, the country is generally a peacefully functioning society.
How does a younger generation of Malaysians that is now making films engage with this past and present reality? Do they have a message? How do they represent diversity and multi-culturality? What can we learn about this phenomenon as social and cultural scientists? And how can modern cinema itself become an ethnographic lens through which we can "view" society?
These are the kinds of questions we will engage during the Masterclass. For those of you interested to take part, you must register with:
A registration fee of €7,50 applies but participants will receive a very generous package of special deals including reduced fees for the festival and for special issue DVD's. Please see the specifics in the info pack attached.
Program (13:00 - 17:00):
13:00 - 13:15 Words of welcome and introduction by ASiA and Rialto
13:15 - 13:45 "It's possible a heart cannot be broken" (Woo Ming Jin, 16 min), plus intro of director and discussion based on viewing questions
13:45 - 14:05 Introduction Malaysia and the theme (Mario Rutten, UvA)
14:05 - 14:15 break
14:15 - 14:45 "South of South" (Tan Chui Mui, 11 min), plus discussion
14:45 - 16:00 "The Big Durian"
16:00 - 16:10 break
16:10 - 17:00 Discussions of students with directors led by Gert-Jan Zuilhof based on central questions/positions