Event — Lecture

Reinventing the City - Space and Power in Asia and Beyond

11/04/2007 - 19:30

11 April 2007
19.30 - 21.30 hrs

Amsterdam, Oudemanhuispoort, room F0.02A
(Oudezijds Achterburgwal 211-225, please see: http://www.uva.nl/locaties/kaart_centrum.cfm, click on location 34)


19.30-19.40: Opening

19.40-20.05: Prof. Clarence Aasen, "Spatial Potencies and Multivalent Aesthetics in Southeast Asian Urbanism"

Prof. Aasen was formerly chair and professor in architectural design at Victoria University in New Zealand and the author of a forthcoming book entitled "Diasporic Ethnicities, Architecture and Urbanism: Spatial Orders and Aesthetics of the Southeast Asian Chinese" (University of Hawaii Press)

20.05-20.30: Linda Vlassenrood: "Making Change Sensible"

Linda Vlassenrood is affiliated to the Netherlands Architectural Institute (NAI) and was curator of the architecture exhibition of the China Contemporary exposition from 2006 at Rotterdam.

20.00-20.55: Patrick Healy: "Capital as City; the dream topographies of commodities"

Patrick Healy is lecturer at the Department of architectural theory of Delft University and editor of De-/signing the Urban. Technogenesis and the urban image (010 publishers), and author of "Images of Knowledge. An introduction to contemporary Philosophy of Science" and "Beauty and the Sublime" (both by Sun publishers).

20.55-21.30: Debate on the changing city and its global impact with Clarence Aasen, Linda Vlassenrood, Patrick Healy and Subash Taneja (architect, see also http://www.taneja.nl/)

Please reserve with Jeroen de Kloet at  b.j.dekloet@uva.nl

Looking forward to see you on Wednesday April 11!

Dr. ir. Jeroen de Kloet - International Institute for Asian Studies

Dr. Sikko Visscher - Asian Studies in Amsterdam (www.iias.nl/asia)