Reading Chinese? An Assessment of the European Capacities to govern China-Collaborations
29/05/2008 - 13:30
29 May 2008
16.00 - 18.00 hrs
By Dr Ole Döring, Senior research fellow at the GIGA-Institute of Asian Studies (Hamburg, Germany)
Concepts of governance differ significantly in China and European countries. Different cultures create normative disparities, which are reflected in the use of different ethical concepts. Concepts of governance also diverge in different socio-economic contexts and areas of decision-making and the implementation of law. The theme of global biomedicine is an important example. It requires good governance that can integrate diversity under an umbrella of accepted ethical standards.
This lecture will discuss case-studies to illustrate the need to improve the governance of best practice in Sino-European collaborations, and will suggest institutional measures to advance the conditions for capacity building and best practice.
Lipsius Building
Cleveringaplaats 1
Room 148
Leiden, the Netherlands
For information
Ms Saskia Jans
Fellowship Coordinator
International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
T +31-71 527 5490
This lecture is the 5th in the series ‘Asian DNA at the Forefront' organised within the context of the ‘Socio-genetic Marginalisation in Asia Programme' (SMAP) at IIAS. For more information on this programme, see