Event — Conference

Re-Engaging Europe with Asia

Re-engaging Europe with Asia is the IIAS-led closing event of the Europe-Asia Policy Forum and will take place on the eve of the preparation of the European Commission’s “Regional Programming for Asia (2013-2020) Strategy Paper”. The conference will explore the topics of economic integration, security, cooperation in the field of higher education, energy, and will address the future of the EU’s strategy toward Asia.

Closed meeting

14 - 15 December 2011

Re-engaging Europe with Asia is the IIAS-led closing event of the Europe-Asia Policy Forum and will take place on the eve of the preparation of the European Commission’s “Regional Programming for Asia (2013-2020) Strategy Paper”. The conference will explore the topics of economic integration, security, cooperation in the field of higher education, energy, and will address the future of the EU’s strategy toward Asia.

The Europe-Asia Policy Forum (EUforAsia) was designed to target relevant stakeholders in Asia-Europe affairs and policy-making with information on contemporary issues regarding EU-Asia. Over the last three years, EUforAsia has organised roundtables, briefings and conferences with the aim of enhancing EU-Asia cooperation and awareness on issues of mutual interest in areas such as sustainable development, regional integration and governance. The EUforAsia consortium consists of the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), the Singapore Institute for International Affairs (SIIA) and the European Policy Centre (EPC). It is supported by funding from the European Union. Please visit our websites for more information.

Preliminary agenda – Re-engaging Europe with Asia:

Wednesday 14 December 2011

1. Introductory Session: EUforAsia 

2. Economic integration - a panacea for political and security dilemmas in Asia?

3. New security dialogues in Asia – declining relevance or new opportunities for the EU?


Thursday 15 December 2011

4. Cooperation in higher education

5. Cooperation in energy policy and sustainability


This project is financed by the European Commission