Event — Workshop

Proletarian Culture and Resistance in Pre-war East Asia

Leiden Workshop organized by IIAS, CNWS, Modern East Asia Research Centre

Leiden Workshop organized by IIAS, CNWS, Modern East Asia Research Centre

Plexus Studentencentrum
* The workshop will be held in the Spectrum Zaal Room
Kaiserstraat 25, 2311 GN, Leiden

Tel. 071 527 8008, Fax. 071 527 7985,

Workshop Chairs:

Dr. Chris Goto-Jones (morning session)
Professor, Department of Japanese and Korean Studies,
Leiden University

Dr. Maghiel van Crevel (afternoon session)
Professor of Chinese Language & Literature,
Leiden University

Workshop Presentations and Programme Schedule:

Opening remarks for workshop by Dr. Goto-Jones

Presentation by Dr. Dr. Tony Swift
Lecturer, Department of History,
Essex University (UK)
'"Proletarian Culture" in Practice in Russia, 1905-1921'

Presentation by Dr. Oliver Moore
Lecturer in Art and Material Culture of China,
Sinological Institute
Leiden University
‘How to image proletarian culture in China'

Comments by Dr. Ethan Mark
Lecturer, Department of Japanese and Korean Studies,
Leiden University

*Open Questions