The Past in the Present. Architecture in Contemporary Indonesia
KITLV Workshop organized in cooperation with the Professor Teeuw Fund, the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), the Research School CNWS, and the Nederlands Architectuur Instituut (NAi)
Leiden and Rotterdam, 12-13-14 December 2005
The Professor Teeuw Fund two-annually awards a prize to a person or institution contributing significantly to the cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands in a specific cultural field. At the end of 2006 a combined prize will be dedicated to architecture. At the occasion of the presentation of the prize in the Netherlands an exhibition is planned at the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam. This exhibition will afterwards be continued in Jakarta where the Indonesian part of the prize will be presented at the opening followed by a symposium.
In preparation of prize and exhibition a workshop is planned by the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden on Monday and Tuesday 12-13 December 2005 with an open presentation for all persons interested on Wednesday afternoon 14 December in the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi), Rotterdam. Especially members of KITLV and PhD students of the Research School CNWS are invited.
During this workshop several types of Indonesian architecture will be discussed on the basis of papers that later will be collected in a book presented at the opening of the Rotterdam exhibition on Indonesian architecture. The workshop discussions also function as a foundation for this exhibition and will elaborate the distinguished types of architecture in the perspective of their present-day role, use, and functioning: the past in the present. This means that the different forms of architecture will be discussed from the perspective of their present-day conditions, change of function, neglect, destruction, and possibilities of restoration.
Papers will be presented in this perspective on the principal types of Indonesian architecture: modern architecture (Dr. Johannes Widodo, National University of Singapore and Dr. Robert Cowherd, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island), Islamic architecture (Prof. Dr. Kees van Dijk, Leiden University), Chinese architecture (Dr. Pratiwo, Jakarta), Hindu architecture (Dr. Hedi Hinzler, Leiden University), colonial/mutual architecture (Prof. Dr. Abidin Kusno, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Ir. Paschier, architect Den Bosch, and Drs. Madelon Djajadaningrat) and traditional vernacular architecture (Prof. Dr. Reimar Schefold, Leiden University). In addition one paper will be dedicated to Indonesian architecture in the Netherlands (Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas and Maaike Boersma, Leiden University).
Three of these papers will be presented at the open afternoon: traditional vernacular architecture (Prof. Dr. Reimar Schefold, Leiden University), the Astana of Solo (Drs. Madelon Djajadaningrat) and the present reconstruction efforts in Banda Aceh (Dr. Robert Cowherd, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island); (The deadline for paper submission is 20 November 2005).
Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas, Chairman Vereniging KITLV
KITLV Workshop
The Past in the Present
Architecture in Contemporary Indonesia
Leiden and Rotterdam, 12-13-14 December 2005
12 and 13 December: Workshop, Faculty of Social Sciences, Wassenaarseweg 52, Leiden, room SA49 (behind the station).
14 December: Open afternoon, NAi, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam.
The aim of this KITLV workshop is to enable an intensive discussion on present-day Indonesian architecture.
Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas, Department of Social and Cultural Studies, Leiden University, P.O. Box 9555, 2300 RB Leiden, the Netherlands, telephone: 071-5273992, E-mail:
Monday 12 December
Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas
09.00-09.30 Coffee and welcome by Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas
09.30-09.40 Opening by Prof. Dr. G. Oostindie, Director KITLV
09.40-10.30 Dr. Pratiwo, Seeking the spirit of the age: Chinese architecture in contemporary Indonesia (discussant: Dr. Johannes Widodo)
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.00 Dr. Hedi Hinzler, Hindu architecture (discussant: Dr. Robert Wessing)
12.00-13.30 Lunch break
Chair: Dr. Hedi Hinzler
13.30-14.30 Prof. Dr. Kees van Dijk, The changing contour of mosques (discussant: Dr. Huub de Jonge)
14.30-15.30 Ir. Cor Passchier, Colonial architecture in Indonesia: References and developments (discussant: Drs. Madelon Djajadaningrat)
15.30-16.00 Tea
16.00-17.00 Prof. Dr. Abidin Kusno, Re-fashioning the past:
Colonial architecture in postcolonial Indonesia (discussant: Drs. Martien de Vletter)
17.00-17.30 General Discussion
18.30 Dinner for referees and coreferees, Het Prentenkabinet, Kloksteeg 25, Leiden
Tuesday 13 December 2005
Chair: Prof. Dr. Abidin Kusno
09.00-09.30 Coffee
09.30-10.30 Dr. Johannes Widodo, Modern Indonesian architecture: Transplantation, adaptation, accommodation, and hybridi-zation (discussant: Dr. Robert Cowherd)
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.00 Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas and Maaike Boersma, Rumah senang, Feeling at home: Indonesian architecture in the Netherlands (discussant: Dr. Jan Wuisman)
12.00-14.00 Lunch
Chair: Ir. Cor Passchier
14.00-15.30 Discussion
Woensdag 14 december
Open middag: Openbare lezingen op het NAi, Museumpark 25, Rotterdam
Discussieleider: Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas
14.00-14.05 Aron Betsky, directeur NAi, Opening
14.05-14.15 Prof. Dr. Peter J.M. Nas, Inleiding
14.15-15.00 Prof. Dr. Reimar Schefold, Moderne vormen van traditionele Indonesische architectuur
15.00-15.45 Drs. Madelon Djajadiningrat, ‘Is er werkelijk niets aan de verschrikkelijke spiegel te doen?’ Correspondentie tussen de Javaanse vorst Mangkunegoro VII, de architect Ir. Th. Karsten en de archeoloog Prof. Dr. W.F. Stutterheim. (‘Is there really nothing we can do about that awful mirror?’ Correspondence between the Javanese Prince Mangku-negoro VII, the architect Ir. Th. Karsten and the archaeologist Prof. Dr. W.F. Stutterheim)
15.45-16.15 Tea
16.15-17.00 Dr. Robert Cowherd, Overlapping paradigms: Recon-structing Banda Aceh