Event — Other

Opening of the IIAS Photo Exhibition \"Picturing Asia\"

On 9 April 2015, from 17:00 to 18:30, IIAS will be hosting an informal reception in the framework of the Exhibition Picturing Asia.

Exhibition:  26 March - 24 April 2015

Reception: 9 April 2015

From 26 March until 23 April, a selection of the 1000 photos entered into the 2014 IIAS Photo Contest will be on display at Leiden University’s Central University Building, Rapenburg 70 in Leiden.

Reception and speaker

On 9 April 2015, from 17:00 to 18:30, IIAS will be hosting an informal reception in the framework of the Exhibition Picturing Asia.
During this reception, Dr John Kleinen, Visual Anthropologist at the University of Amsterdam, and one of the Jury Members of the IIAS Photo Contest “Picturing Asia” 2014, will address the adience to say a few words about the contest.

Everyone is welcome, but, if you can, please let us know that you intend to come via this web form

Place: “De Oude UB”, Leiden University Central Administration Building, Rapenburg 70, Leiden.

About the exibition 

With this exhibition IIAS wishes to share with a wider public the many fascinating images we received, as well as give proper credit to more than just the winning photos.

At the beginning of 2014, IIAS initiated a photo contest welcoming people around the world to submit their photos for 6 different categories: Asian Cities, Global Asia, Asian Heritages, Asia’s Pop Culture, Everyday Life in Asia, and Mobile Devices. By the closing date six months later we had received more than 1000 entries.

Meanwhile, the official winner for each category was selected, the public voted for their favourite, the prizes were awarded, and the winning pictures were announced in the Autumn 2014 issue of The Newsletter.

Selecting just 6 winners from the bounty of beautiful and fascinating images was no easy task for the members of the jury. Yet we also derived – and still derive – enormous joy from pondering the multitude of different pictures and the stories behind them. It is these stories and this joy that we wish to share by putting on display a selection of the contest entries. A screen will also be on hand for those who wish to browse through all the submitted photos.

The IIAS Photo Contest 2014 was organised in the celebratory spirit of IIAS’ 20th anniversary by the Managing Editor of The Newsletter.