Event — Symposium

Oceans of Sound: Sama Dilaut Performing Arts

09/09/2010 (All day)


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9 September 2010
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Convenor: Dr. Birgit Abels (IIAS & Universiteit van Amsterdam)

The conference wil be hosted by the International Institute for Asian Studies and the Universiteit van Amsterdam. 

University of Amsterdam
Mauritskade 57, room 020

The maritime Sama peoples make up one of the most widespread cultural groups within the southeast Asian island region. They can be found in the Philippine Sulu Archipelago, southwestern Mindanao, Sabah, Borneo, east Kalimantan, and Sulawesi, and across many of the eastern Indonesian islands. One specific, so-called "sea-nomadic" Sama group refers to itself as the “Sea Sama” (Sama Dilaut, also known as Bajau Laut).

In this conference, we will look at the Sama Dilaut's performing arts, focussing on kulintangan and other types of instrumental music, song repertoire, and dance. Music and dance are central to the Sama Dilaut’s identity negotiation and maintenance of cultural memory. Music and dance are direct tools in the processes of identity negotiation that localise the Sama Dilaut ‘in-between’ rather than ‘here’ or ‘there’—‘in-between’ like the beach is in-between the land and the sea, a location that is difficult to define sharply because of a constant coming and going of high and low tides that blurs the line between the one and the other; but also ‘in-between’ like the present is a bridge between yesterday and tomorrow. This ‘in-between’ is, at the same time, the space of the Sama Dilaut and their cultural heritage.

Please click here for the programme.

Registration and information
Ms Martina van den Haak at m.c.van.den.haak@iias.nl.