Event — Book launch

Local Portraiture: Through the Lens of the 19th Century Iranian Photographers

Presentation of \"Local Portraiture Through the Lens of the 19th Century Iranian Photographers\" by Carmen Pérez González, winner of the ICAS Book Prize 2011 best PHD thesis in the Humanities.

Presentation of Local Portraiture Through the Lens of the 19th Century Iranian Photographers by Carmen Pérez González, winner of the ICAS Book Prize 2011 best PHD thesis in the Humanities.

The camera is not just an a-­‐cultural technical device, a non-­‐culture influenced medium. The cultural background of the photographer, does play a role in the process of taking a photograph. Local Portraiture explores how indigenous Iranian photographers constructed their own realities in contrast to how foreign photographers constructed Iranian's realities.


- Words of welcome by Asghar Seyed-­‐Gohrab and Anniek Meinders

- Kitty Zijlmans
Left or right? Cultural embeddedness and intercultural exchanges

- Carmen Pérez González
Local Portraiture: Through the Lens of the 19th Century Iranian Photographers

- Questions and Answers

- Drinks