Event — Film screening

Living like a Common Man

A Film by Sanderien Verstappen, Mario Rutten and Isabelle Makay. Followed by a panel discussion on migration.

A Film by Sanderien Verstappen, Mario Rutten and Isabelle Makay. Followed by a panel discussion on migration.

‘Living like a Common Man’ captures the dreams of Indian youth who migrate to London. The film follows their everyday lives in a congested house in East London. It documents the struggles, hopes and despair of youth as they live like ordinary migrant workers in England. We travel back with these youths to the state of Gujarat, India, where their families belong to the relatively wealthy. When they return to visit India, their families have great expectations of their sons and daughters.

Will these youngsters fulfil their own and their families’ dreams?
For three years, the film makers have followed the life trajectories of these young Indian migrants. ‘Living like a Common Man’ tells us about the less glamorous faces of globalisation and helps us to see how youth move between and negotiate two completely different worlds. The film will be of interest to students, academics, activists and policy makers.

For further details please see: http://sites.google.com/site/livinglikeacommonman/

Tickets: Spinhuis, OZ Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam
Students: € 3; Others: € 5