Linking data in cultural studies on South and Southeast Asia
In our age of global information networks, not the dearth but the plenitude of research materials – both primary and secondary - is a phenomenon confronting researchers of South and Southeast Asian culture. At the same time institutes worldwide boasting rich collections of primary source materials (such as manuscripts, artefacts, image banks) are seeking ways to be found and used. Improved data linking may offer a sensible solution for either problem. It is the prime focus of a two-day international RoundTable organised by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) together with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW, New York) and Brill Publishers, Leiden.
On 21-22 September 2012 some 25 delegates, many in charge of high-ranking collections of major libraries in Europe and the USA, gather in Leiden to synergize network expertise and bring current and new trends and visions into focus.