Event — Book presentation

Lieve Joris: 'Op de vleugels van de draak'

Book presentation by Lieve Joris, co-organized with the African Studies Centre.

Lieve Joris will give a presentation on her newest book "Op de vleugels van de draak".
Seada Nourhussen, Africa journalist at Trouw, will interview Lieve Joris, whereafter there will be a Questions and Answers session with the audience. Language: English.

This event is organized together with the African Studies Centre.

About the book

In her newest book Op de vleugels van de draak (On The Wings of The Dragon), Joris journeys between Africa and China. In keeping with the way of working she has refined over the years, she submerges herself in the world of Africans and Chinese who venture into each other’s territory in the slipstream of the big business contracts.

About the speakers

Lieve Joris, who was born in Belgium and lives in Amsterdam, is one of Europe’s leading nonfiction writers. She has written an award-winning book on Hungary and published widely acclaimed reports of her journeys in the Middle East and Africa.

In 1985 she set sail to the former Belgian colony of Congo, where her great-uncle had been a missionary. Congo became a recurring theme in her work, leading successively to Back to the Congo, Dans van de luipaard (The Leopard’s Dance), The Rebels’ Hour and De hoogvlaktes (The High Plains). The Rebels’ Hour was nominated for the T.R. Fyvel Book Award. For the French edition of The High Plains, Joris was awarded the Prix Nicolas Bouvier 2009. An extract from The High Plains was published in the winter 2009 issue of The Paris Review.

Seada Nourhussen (Gondar, 1978) is sinds 2009 Afrika-redacteur bij Trouw. Daarvoor werkte ze voor de redactie binnenland, voor Elsevier, De Volkskrant en als freelancer. In 2011 verscheen haar boek 'Bloedmobieltjes, Coltan in Congo'. Ze schreef essays voor het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Christen Democratische Verkenningen en de bundels 'Weg uit Babylon' en 'WTF! Volwassen worden na elf september'. Nourhussen is geregeld spreker of interviewer bij debatten en bijeenkomsten. 


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