Internet, Democracy and Islam in Indonesia
Thursday 23 March 2006
De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam
18.00 - 20.00
Visit exhibition Indonesia, the discovery of the past
20.00 - 22.30 Roundtable
The increased use of the internet in Indonesia enables more and more people to participate in the public debates about Indonesian society. But while the internet offers opportunities for people to advance their own political or social goals, they may do so at the cost of others. Those with a more radical agenda, be it Islamist or otherwise, may silence more moderate voices. How to deal with these contradictory trends, in Indonesia? And what can be the role of the international community in general, and the Netherlands in particular in this process of democratisation and Islamization? Speakers from Indonesia and the Netherlands will debate these two questions during a roundtable. The evening also includes an interactive programme with multimedia presentations, poem recitals, and music. Before the start of the programme we invite you to visit the exhibition Indonesia, the discovery of the past.
Speakers include:
Dr. Merlyna Lim (Annenberg Center for Communication)
Prof. Nico Schulte-Nordholt (Twente University)
Prof. Patricia Spyer (Leiden University)
18.00 Entry and visit exhibition Indonesia
19.00 Coffee/tea and spekkoek in the exhibition hall
20.00 Presentations by Dr. Merlyna Lim, Prof. Nico Schulte Nordholt.
21.15 Roundtable and discussion
22.30 End programme
Entrance & Payment
Entry: 8 euro (including visit exhibition). Discount ticket: 5 euro for members of ZemZem and MOI when registered and fee paid before 20 March.
Payment: Universiteit Leiden, ABN AMRO, o.v.v. 8750 100 031
Registration and information
International Institute for Asian Studies
T +31-71-5272227
Organized by ZemZem and IIAS. Supported by NCDO