Indonesia's Political Parties: Cartelized and Poorly Institutionalized?
Leiden Southeast Asia Seminar by Marcus Mietzner.
Leiden Southeast Asia Seminar, by Marcus Mietzner
Much of the literature on Indonesia's political parties is dominated by two main streams: the first school of thought views the parties as poorly institutionalized, with politicians lacking real roots in society and mostly focusing on rent-seeking. The second, increasingly influential school portrays Indonesia as being in the grip of a party cartel, which conspires in order to milk the state's resources. Mietzner’s talk will critically review these two assumptions and offer an alternative view on party politics in post-authoritarian Indonesia.
Marcus Mietzner
Marcus Mietzner is Senior Lecturer at the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian Natio-nal University. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at Freiburg University, Germany, where he is completing a book on political parties in Indonesia.
The Leiden Southeast Asia Seminar is a cooperation of the KITLV, IIAS, VVI , the Programme in South and Southeast Asian Languages and Cultures and the Department of Cultural Anthropology & Development
Sociology, Leiden University.