Event — Conference

Indonesia ten years after (1998-2008)

22/05/2008 - 09:30


22 - 23 May 2008
10.00 - 22.00 hrs

Conference organized by KITLV, ASiA and Inside Indonesia.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Oost Indisch Huis, University of Amsterdam
Kloveniersburgwal 48, Amstersdam. 

In May it is ten years ago that the Suharto regime came to an end. What has been achieved with respect to political and economic reforms? What are the major constraints? How do religious and ethnic identity politics relate to notions of citizenship? Which new developments can be identified in popular arts?
These questions will be addressed by an international group of scholars during this conference organized by KITLV, ASiA and Inside Indonesia.

Thursday 22 May

Morning (10.00-13.00)
Key note by Rizal Sukma (CSIS, Jakarta): Indonesia ten years after: Prospects and contraints.
Andreas Ufen (Institute of Asian Studies, Hamburg), Democratic consolidation in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia compared.
Marcus Mietzner (KITLV Leiden/ANU, Canberra): Democracy and political parties.
Ed Aspinall (ANU, Canberra): Democracy in Aceh.

Afternoon (14.00-16.30)
Ann Booth (SOAS, London): From chronic dropout to Asian miracle and back again: the Indonesian economy since 1998.
Ari Kuncoro (Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta): The economy of corruption.
Marleen Dieleman (National University of Singapore): What happened to the New Order tycoons?

Book launch/Boekpresentatie:
Henk Schulte Norholt, Indonesie na Soeharto. Reformasi en Restauratie.
Amsterdam: Bert Bakker/Prometheus.
Inleiding door Ben Knapen (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid).


Friday 23 May

Morning (10.00-13.00)
'Region, Religion, Ethnicity...and Citizenship?
Paneldiscussion with Martin van Bruinessen, Noorhaidi Hasan, Deasy Simandjuntak, Liem Soei Liong and Nico Schulte Nordholt.
Convenor: Gerry van Klinken (KITLV, Leiden)

Afternoon (14.00-17.00).
'New Directions in Popular Culture and the Arts'
Contributions by Amrih Widodo, Nuraini Juliastuti, Tintin Wulia.
Convenors: Bart Barendregt (Anthropology, Leiden), Jennifer Lindsay (ANU, Canberra)

Evening (20.30-22.00)
Recent documentary films from Indonesia.

Registration: kitlv@kitlv.nl / tel: +31(0)71 5272295