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IIAS Master's Thesis Prize Award Ceremony 2014

On behalf of the jury, we are pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2014 IIAS National Master’s Thesis Prize in the field of Asian Studies! 

The winning thesis will be announced during a festive reception at the Faculty Club of Leiden University, on 18 December, from 16.30 in the afternoon. 

From a total of 13 submitted master's theses, the jury selected the following four theses for the shortlist. These four are in the running for the title 'Best National Master’s Thesis 2014'. The winner will be awarded a 3-month IIAS fellowship to write a Ph.D. project proposal or a research article. 

Local Differences and Transnational Ties. The Gujerati Hindu Community of Cape Town
By Molly Fitzpatrick 
Supervisor: Prof. Mario Rutten
Second reader: Dr Barak Kalir

Working through The Act of Killing – A Matter of Judgment?
By Anna Köberich 
Supervisors: Prof. Frans-Willem Korsten and Dr Yasco Horsman

Who’s the real ‘nomad’ in Afghanistan? Socio-political status, legal rights and the differences between peripatetic and pastoral nomads.
By Annika Schmeding 
Supervisors: Dr Gabriëlle van den Berg and Dr Merel Kahmann

The Paippalādasamhitā of the Atharvaveda. Kānda 17. First Anuvāka (PS 17.1-6) ‘To the Earth’. A new critical edition with metrical analysis, translation and commentary.
By Umberto Selva 
Supervisor: Prof. Alexander M. Lubotsky 
Second reader: Dr Alwin Kloekhorst

The winner will be announced on 18 December in The Faculty Club.

We hope to see you there, everyone is welcome!

About the IIAS National Master's Thesis Prize

Each year, IIAS awards a prize for the best master’s thesis in the broad field of Asian studies in the humanities or social sciences, written at a Dutch university.

See who won in:  2013 | 2012

For information on the 2014 Thesis Prize click here,