Event — Conference

Heart of Borneo Conference: Sustainable Development and Nature Conservation

See the final programme here »
Details on panel sessions, participants and paper titles here »

Heart of Borneo Conference: Sustainable Development and Nature Conservation
Within the context of World Wide Fund for Nature's Heart of Borneo Programme, the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in cooperation with the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML, Leiden) will organize an academic conference focused on human-environment issues and nature conservation in the Heart of Borneo.

The conference is scheduled to take place from Monday 25 April through Thursday 28 April 2005 in Leiden and Den Haag, the Netherlands.
Dr Gerard Persoon (CML) will act as the official convenor of the conference.

The conference shall bring together scientists from various disciplines who are specialized in Borneo and/or specific parts of Borneo (Kalimantan, the Indonesian part; Sarawak and Sabah, the Malaysian part; and Brunei) and to focus the presentations and discussions on the following questions:

  1. What are the present trends in resource use (forests, soils, marine resources, biodiversity)? Who are the main actors behind these exploitation activities? What roles are played by local people, migrants, local and provincial governments, national and international companies, financial institutions, donor agencies?
  2. What is the present status of conservation areas (national parks and other protected areas)? Which role is played by the local communities in these conservation areas?
  3. What is the present and potential role of international trade and financial mechanisms in relation to the island’s resources and to its wilderness protection?
  4. What kinds of opportunities can be identified to promote conservation efforts through political actions at the international, national and provincial level?.
  5. What role can be played in the conservation by the international, national and local conservation agencies? And how can their collective efforts be made more successful? Selection of priority areas, partners, activities, and collaboration.

The first two days of the conference will be divided in a number of panels, each of which will address one of these leading questions. The names of the scholars mentioned are those invited. Nearly all of them have confirmed to present a paper at the workshop. However there are still positions available in the panels.

Information and Registration
Please register before 20 April 2005!
There is no registration fee. Coffee, tea, and a programme book will be provided. Registered participants are expected to take care of their own lunch. There is a university restaurant at the venue

International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
Ms Marloes Rozing
P.O. Box 9515
2300 RA Leiden
T +31-71-527 3317
F +31-71-527 4162

The first three conference days (25-27 April) will be held at the CML/ Van Steenisgebouw.
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Van Steenisgebouw
Einsteinweg 2
(Bio-Science park)
2333 CC Leiden
Speakers and invited participants will be picked up by taxi from their hotel daily.
Directions to the Venue:

CML is located near Central Station Leiden. Walking distance: 15 minutes (not a very scenic route). Buses from Central Station to CML:
Bus 11 direction Leiden Transferium, to bus stop 'Plesmanlaan'
Bus 14 direction Zuid-West, to bus stop 'Cruquiuslaan'
Bus 32 direction Katwijk, to bus stop 'Verbeekstraat'
Bus 35 direction Katwijk, to bus stop 'Verbeekstraat'
Bus 43 direction Den Haag, to bus stop 'Universiteitsterrein'

The last conference day, 28 April, will be held at MUSEON in The Hague.

Location of Hotels
The three conference hotels De Doelen, Mayflower and Nieuw Minerva are all located in the city centre of Leiden.
On Wednesdaynight the Organizing Committee will organize a buffet dinner for all speakers and invited guests in Restaurant Anak Bandung.

WWF: www.wwf.nl
Leiden University Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML): www.leidenuniv.nl/cml

The Organizing Committee would like to thank the following sponsors, without whom this conference would not have been possible:
The WWF in Zeist
The CML in Leiden
The Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (Gebied Maatschappij en Gedragswetenschappen) in The Hague
Leiden University
The Research School for Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies CNWS in Leiden
Stichting Tropenbos


Monday, 25 April 2005
Venue: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Einsteinweg 2, Leiden
Room E 005

Chair: Dr Gerard Persoon

9.30 - 10.00 Registration and coffee

10.00 - 10.20 Opening of the conference

- Prof. dr D. Breimer (Rector of Leiden University)

- Prof. dr H. Udo de Haes (Director Institute of Environmental Sciences)

10.20 – 11.00 Key note address by Mr Redmond O’Hanlon, author of the book Into the heart of Borneo (1985)

11.00 – 11.30 Key note address by Dr Dirk Hoekman (Sarvision, Wageningen University)

11.30 – 12.00 Key note address by Dr Mubariq Ahmad (Director WWF Indonesia)
The Heart of Borneo: three countries, one conservation vision

12.00 – 12.30 Questions and answers

12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH

13.30-15.00 Parallell Panel Sessions

Panel A, session 1, ROOM E 005
Present Trends in Natural Resource Use
(Panel leader: Dr Reed Wadley)

Panel B, session 1, ROOM A 003
Policy Context
(Panel leader: Dr Gerhard van den Top)

15.00 – 15.30 TEA BREAK

15.30 – 17.00 Parallell Panel Sessions

Panel A, session 2, ROOM E 005
Present Trends in Natural Resource Use
(Panel leader: Dr Reed Wadley)

Panel B, session 2, ROOM A 003
Policy Context
(Panel leader: Dr Gerhard van den Top)

17.00 – 18.00 RECEPTION at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden

Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Venue: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Einsteinweg 2, Leiden
9.30-10.30 Parallell Panel Sessions

Panel C, session 1, ROOM B 002
Natural Resource Use and Land Rights
(Panel leader: Ms Elisabeth Linda Yuliani)

Panel D, session 1, ROOM E 005
Conservation Scenarios
(Panel leader: Prof. Leontine Visser)

10.30 – 11.00 COFFEE BREAK

11.00-12.30 Parallell Panel Sessions

Panel C, session 2, ROOM B 002
Natural Resource Use and Land Rights
(Panel leader: Ms Elisabeth Linda Yuliani)

Panel D, session 2, ROOM E 005
Conservation scenarios
(Panel leader: Prof. Leontine Visser)

12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH

13.30-15.00 Parallell Panel Sessions

Panel C, Session 3, ROOM B 002
Natural Resource Use and Land Rights
(Panel leader: Ms Elisabeth Linda Yuliani)

Panel F, Session 1, ROOM B 002
Wildlife Trade and Orangutan Rehabilitation
(Panel leader: Dr Hans de Iongh)

Panel E, ROOM E 005
International Trade and Transnational Issues
(Panel leader: Dr Manon Osseweijer)

15.00 - 15.30 TEA BREAK

15.30 - 16.00

Panel F, Session 2, ROOM B 002
Wildlife Trade and Orangutan Rehabilitation
(Panel leader: Dr Hans de Iongh)

Room E 005
CIFOR Film Danau Sentarum National Park: The Abandoned Paradise

Wednesday, 27 April 2005
Venue: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Einsteinweg 2, Leiden
Room E 005

Chair: Dr Gerard Persoon

9.30 – 10.00 Presentation of the results of the two day academic conference in Leiden by Dr Gerard Persoon (Inst. Environmental Sciences)

10.00 – 10.30 Presentation of issues and results of the Brunei meeting on the Heart of Borneo (5-6 April 2005) Tuan Haji Saidin Salleh (Director of Forestry, Forestry Department, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources)

10.30 – 10.45 COFFEE BREAK

10.45 – 11.00 Explanation of the discussion sessions

Rooms C 105, C 106, F 104, and F 106

11.00 – 12.30 Discussion session on issues and problems

The discussion sessions will take place in four groups led by Dr Stuart Chapman (WWF Indonesia), Miriam van Gool (WWF Netherlands), Prof. Helias Udo de Haes (Institute of Environmental Sciences) and Dr Hans de Iongh (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

12.30 – 13.30 LUNCH

13.30 – 15.00 Discussion session on possible solutions

The discussion sessions will take place in four groups led by Dr Stuart Chapman (WWF Indonesia), Miriam van Gool (WWF Netherlands), Prof. Helias Udo de Haes (Institute of Environmental Sciences) and Dr Hans de Iongh (Institute of Environmental Sciences)

15.00 – 15.30 TEA BREAK

15.30 – 16.15 Plenary session: presentation outcomes of group discussions by session leaders

16.15 – 17.30 Groups' leaders and convenor draft a statement to be presented on Thursday

18.00 – 20.00 DINNER for all speakers and invited guests at Restaurant Anak Bandung, Garenmarkt, Leiden


Thursday, 28 April 2005
Venue: Museon, Stadhouderslaan 37, Den Haag
09.00 – 10.00 Travel to Den Haag

10.00 – 10.15 Arrival and coffee

10.15 – 10.45 Presentation of issues and results of the Brunei meeting on the Heart of Borneo (5-6 April 2005) Dato' Dr Mikaail Kavanagh (Executive Director, WWF-Malaysia)

10.45 - 11.15 Dr. Sehat Jaya (Senior advisor of Murung Raya District)
Sustainable Development and Nature Conservation in the region of Muller and Schwanner : Local Government View

11.15 – 11.30 Presentation of the conference participants’ statement and recommendations.

11.30 – 12.15 Discussion policy makers and preparation of statement

12.15 – 13.30 LUNCH

13.30 – 13.40 Presentation of policy makers’ statement and recommendations (includes possibilities for an integrated forestry policy)

13.40 – 15.00 Discussion conference participants and policy makers about the discussion points

15.00 – 15.30 Closing remarks

15.30 – 16.30 RECEPTION at Museon



Panel A: Presents Trends in Research Use
Chair: Dr Reed Wadley
Session 1
Monday, 25 April, 13.30-15.00, Room E 005

Prof. Andrew P. Vayda (Rutgers University, USA), Dr Timothy Jessup (CARE Indonesia) and Mark A. Cochrane (Michigan State University's Center for Global Change and Earth Observations)
Why fire research and fire management in Borneo need to be redirected

Dr Ferry Slik (Nationaal Herbarium, Leiden, the Netherlands)
Forest life after logging and fire in Borneo

Dr Linda Yuliani (CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia)
Present trends of resource use in Danau Sentarum National Park

Monday, 25 April, 15.30-17.00, Room E 005

Dr Jayle Langub (State Planning Unit, Malaysia)
Wet-rice cultivation: the organic way

Dr Kenneth Sillander (University of Helsinki, Finland)
The History and Social Impact of Smallholder Rattan Cultivation in Borneo

Dr Gerard Persoon (Leiden University Institute of Environmental Science, the Netherlands)
and Dr Herwig Cleuren (Leiden University, the Netherlands)
The challenge of Sebangau as a protected area: a contribution from the trade in rattan?


Panel B: Policy Context
Chair: Dr ir Gerhard van der Top
Session 1
Monday, 25 April, 13.30-15.00, Room A 003

Dr Peter Brosius (Dept. of Anthropology and Conservation and Community Laboratory, University of Georgia, Athens, USA)
Conservation planning and implementation in Pulong Tau National Park, Sarawak

Dr Cristina Eghenter (WWF-Indonesia Kayan Mentarang National Park, Indonesia)
Whose Heart of Borneo? Critical issues in building constituencies for equitable conservation

Dr Gerry v. Klinken (KITLV, Leiden, the Netherlands)
The forest, the state, and communal conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Session 2
Monday, 25 April, 15.30-17.00, Room A 003

Mr Eric Wakker (AIDEnvironment, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Private Sector Initiatives in Curbing Forest Destruction towards Sound and Equitable Land Use in Borneo

Dr Agni Klintuni Boedihartono (Université Paris VII)
Traditional wisdom and knowledge of the Punan hunter-gatherers of Borneo: maintaining cultural values and biodiversity

Dr Yayan Indriatmoko (CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia)
Traditional resource tenure and conservation program in Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan, Indonesia


Panel C: Natural Resource Use and Land Rights
Chair: Ms Elisabeth Linda Yuliani
Session 1
Tuesday, 26 April, 9.30-10.30, Room B 002

Prof. Syamsuni Arman
Dilemma in resource exploitation: scarcity of employment opportunity in Central Borneo

Dr Kamariah Hj Abu Salim (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Current trends in the use of Forest Resources of Brunei Darussalam

Session 2
Tuesday, 26 April, 11.00-12.30, Room B 002

Laurens Bakker, MA (Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden, the Netherlands)
Whose ‘hak ulayat’? Adat land claims and community in Pasir

Ir. Martua Sirait, MSc (ICRAIF, Indonesia)
Kilip Journey to seek Recognition: Reflection from the experience in Developing Participatory Methodology of Identification Adat Communities in Kutai Barat District, East Kalimantan

Dr Greg Acciaioli (Asia Research Institute, Singapore)
'Palm Oil Fever': Syndrome, Spread and Resistance from a Village Perspective in Central Kalimantan

Session 3
Tuesday, 26 April, 13.30-14.00, Room B 002

Mr Bernaulus Saragih (Forestry Faculty, University of Mulawarman Samarinda),
Presented by Tien Wahyuni (CML)
The people of Lundayeh and their position in Kayan Mentarang National Park of Kalimantan


Panel D: Conservation Scenarios
Chair: Prof. Leontine Visser
Session 1
Tuesday, 26 April, 9.30-10.30, Room E 005

Dr Dicky Simorangkir (Stichting Tropenbos, Indonesia)
Forest Partnership: From Kalimantan Districts to the Global Market Place

Dr Reed Wadley (University of Missouri, USA)
Paper parks and co-management dreams in the Heart of Borneo: lessons from the Danau Sentarum National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Session 2
Tuesday, 26 April, 11.00-12.30, Room E 005

Mr Valentinus Heri (Riak Bumi NGO, Indonesia)
Local community participation to protect Danau Sentarum National Park

Ms Miriam van Heist (CIFOR, Jakarta, Indonesia)
Building conservation around local preferences in Kalimantan: concepts, opportunities and progress

Dr Waidi Sinun (Danum Valley Research Institute)
Towards sound and equitable land use in Borneo: International collaboration on research and protected area management and the associated impacts


Panel E: International Trade and Transnational Issues
Chair: Dr Manon Osseweijer
Session 1
Tuesday, 26 April, 13.30-15.00, Room B 002

Dr Lesley Potter (Australia National University, Canberra, Australia)
The Oil Palm question in the Heart of Borneo

Kristof Obidzinski (CGIAR)
Challenges from Uncontrolled Logging and Cross-Border Timber Trade to the Heart of Borneo Initiative

Ms Padmapani L. Perez (Institute Leiden University Institute of Environmental Science, the Netherlands)
Everyday life and nature conservation: comparing venues and interactions for natural resource management in the Philippines and Indonesia


Panel F: Wildlife Trade and Orangutan Rehabilitation
Chair: Dr Hans de Iongh
Session 1
Tuesday, 26 April, 14.00-15.00 Room B 002

Dr Daniel Cleary (Naturalis, National Museum of Natural History)
Diversity loss in Borneo

Dr Vincent Nijman (Zoological Museum Amsterdam and TRAFFIC Southeast Asia)

Assessment of trade in gibbons and orangutans in Indonesia

Session 2
Tuesday, 26 April, 15.30-16.00, Room B 002

Stephan Wulffraat

Biodiversity in Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan


CIFOR Film The Hidden Paradise + discussion
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
15.30 Room E 005