Event — Seminar

Global Modernity - Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism

18/06/2007 - 14:00 18 June 2007
14 - 17 hrs

A seminar with Prof. Arif Dirlik

Universiteit van Amsterdam
Room AT03, OIH
Kloveniersburgwal 48

Organised by the International Institute for Asian Studies and Asian Studies in Amsterdam

In this seminar we will read and discuss Prof. Dirlik's work on postcolonial theory and globalization. We will read his book "Global Modernity - Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism." You need to register for this seminar as places are limited. Please register with Michiel Baas at M.Baas2@uva.nl. He can also provide you with the reading.

Prof. Arif Dirlik is Knight Professor of History and Cultural Anthropology
Director, Center for Critical Theory and Transnational Studies. He specializes in the history of Modern China, with emphasis on social, political and historical thinking. His published works include Revolution and History: Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1991-1937; The Origins of Chinese Communism; Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution; (with Ming K. Chan) Schools into Fields and Factories: Anarchism, the Guomindang and the Labor University in Shanghai, 1927-1932; After the Revolution: Waking to Global Capitalism (also published in Korean); The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticismin the Age of Global Capitalism (also published in Chinese and Turkish); Postmodernity's Histories: The Past as Legacy and Project (also published in Korean); and, most recently, Kuaguo shidaide houzhimin piping (Postcolonial Criticism in the Age of Transnational Capitalism) (In Chinese). Another book, Marxism in the Chinese Revolution, is be published by Rowman and Littlefield. He is also the editor of What is in a RIM: Critical Perspectives on the Pacific Region Idea; Chinese on the American Frontier; (with MauriceMeisner) Marxism and the Chinese Experience: Issues in Contemporary Chinese Socialism; (with Rob Wilson) Asia-Pacific as Space of Cultural Production; (with Paul Healy and Nick Knight) Critical Perspectives on Mao Zedong's Thought; (with Zhang Xudong) Postmodernism and China; (with Vinay Lal and Peter Gran), History After the Three Worlds; (with Roxann Prazniak) Places and Politics in an Age of Globalization. He is the author, additionally, of  over 150 articles in scholarly journals. His works have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Bulgarian, French, and Portuguese. He has served and serves on the editorial boards of Modern China, The China Quarterly, China Information, China Review, Zhongguo shehui kexue jikan (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly), Amerasia, Zhongguo xueshu, Wenhua yanjiu, boundary 2, Interventions, Development and Society, and Asian Studies Review. He edits a book series, Pacific Formations, with Rowman and Littlefield, and is the co-editor another series published by SUNY Press, Postcolonial Explorations. He has received Fulbright, Foreign Area, NEH, ACLS and Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Fellowships. His current work includes further studies in the Chinese revolution as well as studies in contemporary cultural criticism.