The First European Conference on Korean Linguistics
3-5 February 2005
Leiden, the Netherlands
ECKL Conference Report by Dr Sang-Jik Rhee and Ms Marloes Rozing (Organizing Committee ECKL)
The First European Conference on Korean Linguistics was held from February 3 to 5 at Leiden University. Unlike most Conferences nowadays, the papers presented at this conference covered all of the areas of linguistics (writing system, phonology, syntax, semantics, text and corpus linguistics, acquisition and language teaching, historical development). Importantly, the papers were couched in various frameworks and theories (not only Generative Syntax and Formal Semantics, but also Constraint-based Grammar, Functional Linguistics, etc.) and based on a broad range of research methods. The organizing committee is pleased to conclude that the conference has presented a complete picture of the state of the are of Korean linguistics studies.
It was the first time a group of Korean linguistics researchers met in Leiden and the organizing committee was glad that not only Korean, but also many European participants attended the conference and presented their paper, making it indeed a European experience. Apart from formal analyses, descriptive analyses were also presented on which the participants could exchange their views in discussion. New research was presented and the participants are currently preparing their papers for the publication deadline of 15 April 2005.
The papers were of high quality and the conference brought together a good mix of scholars: young and old, a variety of topics (syntax, semantics, phonology, applied linguistics) and different theoretical perspectives.
Many participants have informed us that they learned a lot during the conference. The atmosphere was very pleasant and the programme was well organized and proceeded smoothly.
The sessions on synchronic grammar, syntax and semantics, in particular the paper on Korean NPI-s and sentential connectives by J. Choi, on causatives by M.-J. Son, and the paper on loanword phonology by M. Kenstovicz were among the highlights of the conference.
The conference achieved its main objective, namely stimulating research on Korean linguistics in Europe and contributing to network building between researchers from different backgrounds.
The organizing committee hopes that the conference will be followed up with another European Conference on Korean linguistics in the near future and that more participants will find their way to Europe and European Research of Korean language and culture.
The organizing committee would like to thank our sponsors, the Korea Research Foundation (KRF), the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), and the Research School for Asian, African and Amerindian Studies CNWS for supporting the conference. Without their support this conference would not have been possible.
List of chairs/participants and paper titles:
Chairs: Dr. Ann Denwood (Bogazici University/SOAS), Dr. Ton van der Wouden (ULCL, Leiden University), Dr. Rint Sybesma (IIAS/ULCL, Leiden University), Dr. Jeroen van de Wijer (ULCL, Leiden University), Sang Jik Rhee (IIAS/ULCL, Leiden University), Prof. Chungmin Lee (Seoul National University), Prof. Suk-Jin Chang (Seoul National University), Dr. Nancy Kula (ULCL, Leiden University)
Prof. S.-J. Chang (Seoul National University)
Constraint-based Grammar of Korean: Retrospective Sentences
C. Lee (Seoul National University) & N. Özmen (Mersin University/Utrecht Universtiy) Imperfective aspect in Turkish and Korean: A comparison
K.-H. Kim & J.-I. Kwon (Seoul National University)
Korean particles n spoken discourse: a statistical analysis for the unification of grammar
J. Bak (University of Manitoba)
Double accusative marking of possessor/possiessee in Korean based on corpus study
C.-K. Kim (University of Liverpool)
A cross-cultural comparison of Korean and English science popularisation texts in terms of textual interaction
J. Choi (University of Pennsylvania)
Domain widening and free choice effect: Korean amwu-lato/wh-lato
O. Saden-Leicht (Utrecht University)
A myth crushed: why Korean speakers do not have more processing resources than English speakers?
S. Knoob (SOAS, University of London)
Who says there is no systematic reflexive in Korean: personal space, the proximity sphere and its pervasive reflection in Korean diathesis
E. Rudnitskaya (Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow)
The experiencer of stative psych predicate in Korean as a bearer of the prominent discourse role "the subject of a psychological state"
D. Jung (Korea University)
Existential between copula, aspect and modality in Korean
Prof. M. Kenstowicz (MIT)
Loanword Phonology: Korean and Beyond
E. Shin (UC Berkeley)
Sonorant assimilation in Korean
R. Dormels (Universität Wien)
An analysis of Hongmu-chongun-yokhun
T. Traulsen (Rhur University)
The interplay of segments and suprasegmental in Middle Korean and its meaning for internal reconstruction
E. Kondratieva (Russian State University)
Middle Korean final predication system and its change
Y. Um (Wonkwang University)
The antipode in the evolution of Korean passive and causative morphology: assimilation and dissimilation
H. Park (Keimyung University)
Development of causative markers in Korean children
M.-J. Son (University of Delaware)
Morphological passives and atypical argument structure realization in Korean
J. Choi & Y.-K. Joh (University of Pennsylvania)
A centering analysis of Korean sentential conjunctions
K.-H. Gil (University of Sheffield)
Numeral classifier constructions and scrambling in Korean
J. Kiaer & R. Kempson (King's College London)
On-line sentence processing in Korean: at the syntax-phonology interface
F. Mozzicato (Tokyo University of Foreign Stuidies):
(u)l/ kes-ita as a future tense marker: a comparison of Korean (u)l kes-ita with the Italian future tense
H.-S. Kim (University of Maryland)
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