Event — Summer School

First EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics

Organized by the European Association for Chinese Linguistics

Sponsored by:
the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (Taiwan) and the International Institute for Asian Studies (The Netherlands)

27-31 March, 2006

Leiden, The Netherlands

We offer the following course program:


9:30-12:00Lisa Cheng and Rint Sybesma (Leiden). On modern comparative syntax

13:00-15:30Wolfgang Behr (Bochum). On writing

16:00-18:30Guillaume Jacques (Paris). On historical phonology


All courses run from Monday to Friday.
The language of instruction is English.

For whom?
The EACL Summerschool in Chinese Linguistics is primarily organized for PhD students in Chinese linguistics affiliated to European universities. Others are also welcome.

Fees and subsidies
Fees: The first Summerschool will be free of charge.
Subsidies: Student participants (and possibly some others as well) may be partially reimbursed for their travel and, possibly, some other costs.

For details as to how to apply, check http://dbs.rub.de/EACLdat/