Event — Seminar

Financial crises: Regulation and government response in Asia and Europe

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17 February 2011
15.00-17.30 hrs.

IIAS Centre for Regulation and Governance Seminar Series 2011


Venue: Gravensteen (Room 111), Pieterskerkhof 6, Leiden

The first seminar of the 2011 series will examine causes of and the govern­ment response to the financial crises in Asia and Europe in the late 1990s and in 2008/10 respectively. Recent developments have shown that (international) regulation of the financial sector has become of essential importance to economic development. The seminar will focus on regulation and governance issues before the crises as well as on the role of the state in economic decision making in general. The speakers will in particular discuss the situation in China, Japan, and the euro area.

The seminar aims to take the recent financial crises as a starting point in order to discuss the effects of state influence on economic developments and the dynamics of institutional change in the aftermath of severe economic disruptions.


15.00 – 15.10  

Introduction by the Chair

Professor Henk Schulte Nordholt

Chairman of the International Institute for Asian Studies

15.10 – 15.35  

China’s economic growth model: Bright past, cloudy future

Professor Xu Guangdong

Research Center for Law and Economics, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing

15.45 – 16.10  

Japan’s economy in the 1990s and the government response to the Asian financial crisis

Jan-Hein Chrisstoffelseconomist and Japan expert, Amsterdam

16.20 – 16.50  

The euro area sovereign debt crisis

Dr. Itai Agur

De Nederlandsche Bank


Dr. Agur will not speak on behalf of the DNB; all views Dr. Agur will express during this seminar are his own.

17.00 - 17.30 




Please find more information on the seminar on the website of the IIAS Centre for Regulation and Governance: http://crg.iias.asia/seminars

Contact and Registration: Susann Handke, crg@iias.nl


IIAS Centre for Regulation and Governance Seminar Series 2011:
The State and Economic Development in Asia and Europe

The IIAS Centre for Regulation and Governance, as the first European research centre devoted to the study of regulation and governance in Asia, engages in innovative and comparative research on the theories and practices of regulation and governance and serves as a focal point of collaborative research between European and Asian scholars. The seminars aim to broaden the understanding of political economic developments in Asia from a comparative perspective related to policy choices in Europe, and provide a platform for the discussion of developments that have shaped the global economy in the last few decades. The influence of the state on economic development will be examined by focusing on several aspects of economic policy, i.e. (international) financial regulation, resource policy, foreign econom­ic coope­ration, and the role of the state in different stages of industri­ali­sation. The seminars are intended for academics, policy­makers, and students of political science, public administration, regional studies, and international economics.