Event — Outreach

Exploring Indonesian LGBT life

Lecture by Bram Hendrawan about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities in Indonesia.

Lecture by Bram Hendrawan, in collaboration with Cinemasia & UvA Pride

Over the last decades, due to the transition from a military dictatorship to a democratic system of governance, the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people has increased enormously in Indonesia. In this new setting the LGBT community was able to pick up their fight for equal rights. On the other hand the public disapproval of this minority group has also increased, leading to eruptions of hatred and violence by antagonists.

Bram will answer three questions in his lecture: who are categorised as 'LGBT' within the Indonesian context? In which social-cultural and political context should the LGBT community in Indonesia be placed? And last: which effects did these developments have in daily life?

The lecture is in English.

Bram Hendrawan is a PhD candidate at the University of Utrecht. He graduated for his master degree in 2009. In his thesis he studied the representation of homosexuality in the Indonesian media.


The full Queer Asian programme of the Cinemasia Film Festival can be found here: http://cinemasia.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=433%3Aqueer-a-asian&catid=45%3Anews&lang=en

Photo: still from "Lovely Man".