DPRN regional expert meeting Southeast Asia & Oceania
Friday 16 December 2005
Room Z009, Metropolitan Building, Faculty of Social Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Buitenveldertselaan 3, Amsterdam
On Friday 16 December 2005, the International Institute of Asian Studies Leiden and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences and the faculty’s regional network SEAVU) organize the first regional expert meeting on Southeast Asia and Oceania.
The aim of the meeting is to bring together scientists, policymakers and development practitioners with experience in Southeast Asia and Oceania to exchange views and discuss opportunities for synchronizing their activities and design innovative research for the future. The fact that the region is characterized by huge differences in overall socio-economic development, welfare, industrial activities, consumption patterns and environmental exposure, makes any selection of major development issues highly problematic. The region includes some 40 countries, ranging from Myanmar to New Zealand and Brunei to Kiribati. The four thematic clusters identified for discussion therefore represent a preliminary effort to cover some of the many developmental concerns in the region that are of varying importance for the countries involved. In a keynote address professor Robert Cribb (Australian National University) shall provide the necessary context and reflection for the thematic discussions.
The four themes of Human Security (human needs, care for the elderly, systems of social security, HIV/Aids), Migration (labour flows, illegal migrants, remittances, movement of people), Sustainable Development (access to natural resources, water management, the position of local communities vis-à-vis conservationist measures) and Economic Development (role of China, liberalisation and decentralisation, small and medium enterprises, credit facilities) shall be highlighted by academics, development experts, and policy makers.
Appended please find a provisional programme, which identifies the invited experts who shall provide a brief overview of current research in these areas and address the issue of what kind of innovative research is called for to support development practices in the near future.
9:00 – 9:30 Registration & coffee
9:30 – 9:35 Opening & Welcome by Prof. Dr Wim Stokhof, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS)
9:35 – 9:40 Welcome by Dr Mirjam Ros, Coordinator DPRN regional expert meetings
9:40 – 9:50 Introduction by Prof. Dr Heidi Dahles, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
9:50 – 10:30 Keynote speech
Prof. Dr Robert Cribb, Australian National University
10:30 – 11:30 Sustainability: land and water resources
Chair: Dr Freek Columbijn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Speakers: Dr John Kleinen (University of Amsterdam) & Dr Arnoud Pollmann (Dutch Kiribati Friendship Society)
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 12:45 Migration: movement / trafficking of people
Chair: Prof. Dr Ben White (Institute of Social Studies)
Speakers: Dr Toon van Meijl (Radboud University) & drs. Roy Huijsmans (ISS)
12:45 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 14:30 Human Security: insecurity, health and hiv/aids
Chair: Dr Juliette Koning (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Speakers: Prof. Dr Anke Niehof (Wageningen University) & Mr Eric Verwaal (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
14:30 – 15:30 Economic Development: the role of China & local SME (biogas) development
Chair: Prof. Dr Heidi Dahles (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Speakers: Prof. Dr Peter Ho (University of Groningen) & Mr Wim van Nes (SNV, Netherlands Development Organisation)
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16 :00 – 17 :00 Roundtable discussion: “Partnerships for Cooperation?"
Chair: Prof. Dr Robert Cribb (Australian National University)
17:00 – 17:30 Drinks
For more information, please contact: Dr Juliette Koning, e-mail: jbm.koning@fsw.vu.nl
The DPRN regional expert meeting is going to be held in English, is free of charge (including lunch) and is open to all registered participants. Please register at www.global-connections.nl/registration.
For further information about this regional expert meeting please contact
Dr. Juliette Koning (jbm.koning@fsw.vu.nl).
The DPRN regional expert meeting will be held in English, is free of charge (including lunch) and is open to all registered participants (up to a maximum of 60 people).
Please register promptly, via www.global-connections.nl/registration, as participation is limited to 60 people.
The Development Policy Review Network is a network of development experts and policymakers in the Netherlands and Flanders who aim to reduce the gap between science, policy and development practice. A subsidy from the DGIS Cultural Cooperation, Education and Research Department (DCO) allows DPRN to organise yearly expert meetings on a regional basis.