Event — Seminar

Domestic and Geopolitical Challenges to Energy Security for China and the European Union

06/10/2009 - 09:30


China’s Policy and Measures to secure the Supply of Oil and Gas: The Case of Saudi Arabia and Russia

6 October 2009
9.30 - 18.00 hrs


Institute of West Asian and African Studies / Energy Program Asia - IIAS. In cooperation with Institute of Industrial Economy. Second Research Oriented Meeting, Towards Improving the Policy Environment for Energy Security and Sustainable Development in the European Union and China


Institute of West Asian and African Studies
Energy Program Asia - IIAS
In cooperation with Institute of Industrial Economy
Second Research Oriented Meeting, Towards Improving the Policy Environment for Energy Security and Sustainable Development in the European Union and China

International Institute for Asian studies,
Rapenburg 59, 2311 BJ
Leiden, The Netherlands

6 October 2009


09.30 hrs            Coffee

10.00 hrs             Word of Welcome

                        Dr. Mehdi Parvizi Amineh

Programme Director: Energy Programme Asia-IIAS, The Netherlands

10.10 hrs            IWAAS-EPA Research Evaluation

                        Prof Yang Guang

                        Director: Institute of West Asian and African Studies-CASS, China

Morning Session: Energy and Geopolitics

Chair: Prof Yang Guang

10:30 hrs            Energy Cooperation between China and Angola

Dr. Chen Mo      

Institute of West-Asian and African Studies-CASS, Beijing - China

11:00 hrs            Caspian Oil & Natural Gas Resources and the Energy Security Policy of China                                  Dr. Huirong Zhao

                        Institute of Russian Eastern European and Central Asian Studies-CASS, Beijing-China

11:30 hrs Foreign Policy Practices and Energy Security: What drives US-EU-China to Iran

Dr. Eva Patricia Rakel [to be announced]       

EPA-IIAS & University of Amsterdam. Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Department of

Political Sciences/International Relations, The Netherlands

12:00 hrs            Discussion

12:30 hrs            Lunch


14.00 hrs            The Contribution of IIE to the IWAAS-EPA Research Programme

Prof. Shi Dan

Director: Institute of Industrial Economy-CASS, Beijing - China

Afternoon Session: Renewable and Alternative Energy and Environment

Chair: Prof. E.B. Vermeer

14:30 hrs             Determining Factors in China's Renewable Energy Policies.

Prof. Dr. Eduard B. Vermeer          

EPA-IIAS & University of Turku. Centre for East Asian Studies, Finland.

15:00 hrs            Energy Governance as a Multi Level Issue: Challenges for the 21st Century

Prof. Joyeeta Gupta

Free University (VU). Institute for Environmental Studies, The Netherlands.


15:30 hrs            Energy Transition Policy Perspectives

                        Mr. Daniel Scholten, Msc

EPA-IIAS & Delft University of Technology. Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, The Netherlands

16:00 hrs            Discussion

16:30 hrs            Closure & Drinks

18:00 hrs            Dinner